My Great Grand Father Christopher (Kit) VanArnam, came to Hamilton County in the latter part of the 19th century, with his son Everett (Evie) and Evie's wife Florence Brown. Evie and Florence had a daughter Winifred Stevens (Winnie). Winnie was my Mother. She had another son Everett Malcolm Cameron who now resides in Boca Raton, FL.
Kit was a stonemason and was responsible for building many of the fireplaces in and around Inlet and Hamilton County. He also acted as a guide to hunters and fishermen, who visited the area, until shortly before he died, of a stroke, while in his eighties. He, Evie and my Father, Eugene Arthur Cameron, were all skilled hunters and never failed to provide us with enough venison to last the winter. And, I might add, as fisherman, we could always depend on them for a tasty dish of lake trout, white fish or bass, from Fourth Lake when ever they went fishing.
Evie and Florence were employed by the Oliver Murray Edwards family on their estate on Fourth Lake between Eagle Bay and Inlet. They named their "camp" Paownyc. Mr. Edwards had made a fortune with an invention that made it possible for railroad cars windows to be opened. Prior to that invention, railroad cars were hot, stuffy sauna like enclosures. Because of his connection with the Pennsylvania (PA), the Ohio Western, (OW) and the New York Central (NYC) railroads OM named his estate PAOWNYC
Evie was employed to care for the estate, which eventually included a home for each of the children. The "big house" had numerous bedrooms and bathrooms, A huge living room, replete with windows on three sides overlooking Dollar Island and Cedar Island on Fourth Lake in the Fulton Chain of Lakes was the focal point of this large green building. The main house, where, O.M. resided, was built over 4 boat slips and a billiard room. A huge generator was also housed in the adjacent basement., and in the early years of the century provided the complex with electricity. Evie had a myriad of responsibilities. He took care of all the maintenance, which included plumbing and electrical repairs for all the houses. He did all the carpentry work, as it was required. He was in charge of "putting up the ice" in the winter. This was an exciting few days. They built a toboggan slide on the premises that, at the top, was adjacent to the "ice house" and at the bottom went right to the lake edge. The crew would cut ice blocks from the lake when the ice had frozen to about 27 " thick. These square blocks of ice were skidded to the end of the slide where they would be lined up in such a way that a huge pair of ice tongs could be fastened over the last ice block in the row. Then a long towrope attached to the tongs. A team of horses was attached to the rope at the top of the slide and then driven away so the attached blocks of ice were hauled to the top. The ice was then skidded to the ice house and placed in layers Sawdust separated the layers to keep them from freezing together. The men used large ice tongs to maneuver the blocks into place. To stock their own ice houses the ice blocks were hoisted on to a large horse driven sleigh and driven to the homes. This practice was a yearly event until the advent of electric refrigerators made icehouses obsolete.
Another winter "job" Evie and his crew had was to stock the "wood houses" with fireplace and stove wood. Most folks owned a "wood lot" where each year a supply of wood was cut to meet next seasons requirements. The Edward's wood lot was off the Browns Tract Road about one mile from Eagle Bay. Cooking was done on a wood stove, and pot bellied stoves or fireplaces supplied the heat to ward off the chill of a cool spring or fall gathering. The estate was usually shut down for the entire winter.
OM entertained a lot and many of his well-known guests enjoyed his hospitality regularly. The famous Evangelist, Billy Sunday, was one of these. OM enjoyed taking his guests on cruises through the Chain of Lakes and for this he had several boats. The largest was named "The Paownyc" and could seat, I'm guessing, as many as twenty people. Evie was also responsible for keeping the boats in good running order. A picture of this boat is in the Adirondack Museum at Blue Mountain Lake. The Edward's also had several rowboats and canoes for themselves and guests to enjoy. Each home had it's own dock and as swimming was always a huge part of the warm summer days they got a lot of use.
Each year there was a requirement for painting projects that Evie also was responsible for overseeing. He also maintained the tennis court that was on the property. Plus acting as automobile mechanic for minor repairs. There were several garages on the property able to hold as many as 15 cars. Frequently, during the summer, Evie served as chef, holding forth over a huge fireplace in the picnic area where he would BBQ enormous amounts of ribs, steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs. My Grandmother, Florence, was an exceptionally good cook and she supplied all the other things that make a picnic special. Outstanding potato, and, or macaroni salad. Home made breads and muffins. Plus, homemade cakes and pies were always available. She also was responsible for all the meals served in the "Big House" plus seeing that the laundry and general house keeping was attended to. Often Evie would cook "Adirondack Pancakes". These were large plate sized pancakes, which he would stack about 6 high. In between each cake he would slather large quantities of butter and then smear with brown sugar. Sliced into wedges they were a very popular, real high calorie treat, particularly when served with large rations of bacon, sausages and syrup too.
Across the driveway from the picnic area was "Himmie's " house. Himmie was a Rhesus monkey, and his house was actually a fairly large shelter. Himmie loved to entertain and would do so for hours on end with his antics. Three sides of his house were enclosed with the front covered with bars. Himmie sometimes escaped and then there was the added fun of catching him.
OM also had a personal chauffeur, George Lockhard, and a nursemaid for the children, Fannie Garvin. These folks worked for him year round spending their winters at the Edward's Syracuse James Street address. All of these people worked for him until their retirement.
My Mother was Winifred Stevens VanArnam Cameron. She was born in Inlet on June 26th, 1905 and resided there until her 27th Birthday. She was a student at Inlet Public School, a one-room school house which is still standing next to a larger school that I attended from 1929 until 1932. I was the only student in the first grade and did both the first and second grades in my first school year. My first teacher was Ella Rogers, the daughter of Roy and Emma Rogers. The Rogers' were the proprietors of the Neodak Hotel on the south side of Fourth Lake. The Neodak was very popular with vacationers for many years in the first half of the nineteenth century. The Rogers' also had a son, John and another daughter, Beatrice (Bea), who was a very good friend to my mother. I believe John studied hotel management and eventually assumed the management of the Neodak.
My father was an Army aircraft pilot in WWl and migrated to Hamilton County after is discharge. His first job was as counselor to a Boys Summer Camp on Cedar Island in Fourth Lake. He then purchased Hart's Inn, a summer resort hotel, that was situated between Eagle Bay and Inlet My parents were married in the Presbyterian Church of the Lakes, in Inlet on June 14th, 1922 I was born June 16th, 1923. My brother Everett Malcolm Cameron was born September 6, 1924. Our parents continued to operate Hart's Inn until the summer of 1928 when they sold it to the Simmons' family who lived next door at their summer estate they called Albedor. George Blakeman and his family were the caretakers of Albedor Using the proceeds from the sale of the hotel we bought a 1928 Buick Touring car and set off for a cross-country trip that lasted until, February 1929. I remember, when we arrived back in Inlet, the snow was so high at the entrance to my Grandfathers driveway it was piled to a height of about 8 feet.
My father then became the proprietor of a gasoline service station which was situated adjacent to Hall's Grocery Store at the bottom of the hill on Route 28 approaching from Eagle Bay. In 1932 the crash of 1929 had taken it's toll and we left Inlet to live in Carey's Corners in Oneida County at the intersection of Route 5 and Rte 28.
That year I turned 9 years old and spent that summer, and all subsequent summers, until 1940, with my Grandmother and Grandfather at their home on the Edwards' estate. We called the home "Hillside" for indeed that is exactly what it was. Both the first and second floors were only one room wide for its entire length. It was built into the side of a very steep hill.
I also started working that summer at the Inlet Golf Course. My first job was to "shag" balls for the golf pro, Larry McNeil, or his Assistant Pro, Joe Hickey, when they were instructing a golfer. When we came to work in the morning the caddies were assigned the responsibilities to go rake each sand trap on the course. That first year I didn't carry many golf bags but I was invited back for the summer of '33. I walked from Paownyc to the Golf Course every morning of every summer until 1940 when I went to work as postal clerk in the Inlet Post Office. The summer of 1933 my brother, Mal, also became a caddy and so I had company on my long walks to and from the course. In the last two years of my stint as a caddy, I had two "steady" customers. Ruth Dabler who was the wife of the proprietor of the Raquette Lake Inn, Lynn Dabler. Lynn and my father were fast friends stemming from having served together as Army Pilots in WWI. My second steady customer was a young Robert (Bob) Frackleton. Bob was about nineteen and an excellent golfer. Bob lived at a camp on 7th Lake owned by his Grandmother, a Mrs. Patterson. His mother was also an excellent golfer and she and Ruth Dabler were perennial competitors for the Inlet Golf Club Ladies championship. They both played every day and were good paying customers so I saved a lot that summer. Ruth played in the morning and Bob in the afternoon so I never missed a payday.
Occasionally I would be able to work in another round. One of the steady golfers was a gentleman by the name of Cy Seymour. Cy was a long time customer and was a true character. Every one enjoyed Cy. He wasn't a big tipper but a lot of fun to caddy for. He was an inveterate whistler. You could always tell when Cy was playing for he could be heard throughout the course with his inimitable whistling style. Another favorite of mine was Mary Soons. Mary and her family were regular visitors to Rocky Point Inn and whenever I could I would try to carry Mary's golf bag. She was very beautiful and a fairly good golfer too, which made for a pleasurable round of golf for me.
Rocky Point Inn was owned by the Delamarsh family and was a big favorite of the summer visitors to Hamilton County. They always had interesting events planned for their patrons. They catered to many of the more famous people of the time. One of them was Graham MacNamee., a well known radio announcer. Len Harwood was the head of the maintenance department at Rocky Point. Len had two sons Robert (Bobby), and Theodore (Teddy) and two daughters Jean and Carol. One sunny afternoon we were all at the dock in front of the inn diving and swimming for the fun of it, when a group of patrons, sitting, enjoying the view and the warm sunny day, on wooden benches fastened to the big wooden dock, decided to see how good we were at recovering coins they tossed into the water. We were all very good swimmers and vied with each other to see how much we could recover before the money hit the bottom. Mr., MacNamee was one of those guests. He may not have known how much fun he made for us with his generosity.
Across Route 28 from the entrance to Rocky Point Inn and back toward Eagle Bay a short way, was the entrance to the trail to the top of Rocky Mountain. The 30-minute climb is quite easy and the rewards are magnificent. The crest consists of solid rock interrupted here and there by small shrubs and soft pine trees. It offers an unprecedented view of Fourth Lake with its two northerly islands, Dollar Island and Cedar Island in the foreground. About three hundred yards from the entrance to Rocky Mountain, toward Inlet, is the entrance to the trail to Black Bear Mountain. It is a much longer climb but not as interesting a view at it's summit.
Proceeding toward Inlet from Rocky Point one would see, in the old days, that is in the late twenty's and early thirty's, a town sponsored Skating Rink in the winter It was an outdoor rink, that had sides made of wooden boards about 4 feet high. It was a regulation hockey rink and for a short time the town sponsored a semipro hockey team that played against other local town teams. The locals, and winter visitors, also used to recreational skate there and the kids played hockey when they could get some time.
At the top of the hill leading into the town proper, the town constructed a toboggan slide in the early 30's, which stood about 30 feet above the highway and led to an escape out onto Fourth Lake. It was a popular and exhilarating wintertime toboggan ride that every enjoyed immensely, especially the children.
At the top of the hill, the Wilkens family operated an Indian Curio shop, catering to the myriad's of summer vacationers. Further down the hill on the left was the Roberts family home. Charlie Roberts was a good friend of ours who was killed in service during W.W.II. He was related to the Woods Family that owned the Woods Hotel, Philo Woods was an early resident of Inlet and ran a highly successful hotel business for several years. He had a son Junior, and a daughter Madelyn. Madelyn married Harry Hall, who was the proprietor of Hall's Grocery Store. They had three children. The oldest was Harry, Jr. (Buddy), John, (Jackie) and MaryJane). Madelyn died very young, circa 1930. She and my Mother were close friends from the time they were born, on through school, until Madelyn's death. On the day she died I remember coming home from school to find my Mother sobbing her heart out and not knowing quite what I could do to help her.
Next to Hall's on the uphill side was Mary's Gift Shop. A big store that carried all types of local treasures, including miniature birch hark canoes, balsam pillows, fungi with pictures drawn on them and literally hundreds of other kinds of souvenirs for the Adirondack vacationers. Dan and Mary Decker were the owners. Typical of many of the businesses in Inlet they were closed for the winter, usually from Labor Day until Memorial Day.
Across the street and back up the hill a short distance, Hymie Berkowitz operated The Inlet Toggeryduring the summer. Year in and year out one could count on Hymie showing up for another season. I think he and many other summer business owners spent here winters in another more environmentally friendly climate.
Traveling closer to town was Gilson's Drug Store, directly across from Mary's Gift Shop, and again only open for the summer. Mr. Gilson's Store was in the same building as the Gaiety Theater. The theater was a popular entertainment spot during the summer, showing recent releases. It ultimately was purchase by the Schulman Family and eventually by their popular son, Mendy. The seats were wooden folding chairs and at times the chairs were removed so they could have dances and other events such as the "Fireman's Fair", This was a way for the local Volunteer Fire Department to raise money to assist in the operation of the department.
The Inlet Hardware Store, which occupied a large building, was just up the street from the Gaiety. Herm Williston ran Inlet Supply originally and in the early thirties Floyd Puffer was running it but it was closed in the mid to late thirties. The building was idle for a number of years. When Lansing Tiffany returned to Inlet after WW II he ran it for a time.
Across the street from the hardware store was "The Parquet Restaurant." Fred Parquet was the proprietor. It was right on the curve of the street as it wound through town. As I recall Fred also had a few rooms for rent over the main dining rooms. When you walked out of the front of the restaurant and turned left you would come to the Arrowhead Hotel entrance. Six-foot high stone pillars and a long driveway leading to the hotel proper marked the entrance. The hotel was situated at the entrance of the Inlet Creek where it entered Fourth Lake. The Town of Inlet bought the Arrowhead Hotel and property from the O'Hara family in 1962. They left the building standing for quite sometime but eventually tore it down.
Up the street from the Parquet was the Inlet Post Office. The golf Professional, Larry McNeil, was Postmaster. His wife Lillian was his Assistant and ran the Post Office when he was working as a golf pro. He hired help for the summer to assist with the large influx of summer visitors. I worked as a clerk in the summer of 1940 along with another ex-caddy, Bob Fisher. The Postal customers would rent boxes and come to the Post Office to pick up there mail from lock boxes. Some of the lakeside camp owners would also receive mail delivered to their docks by a mail boat harbored in Old Forge.
Below the Post Office in the cellar area was a drive-in garage where the Inlet Fire department housed the fire engine. It was a pumper that was driven to fires by whichever driver could get to the fire department first. The year I worked in the Post Office I had the exhilarating 16 year olds thrill to be able to ride in the front seat a few times and operate the siren.
Further up the street was The Inlet Garage on the corner of the South Shore Road. The South Shore Road ran along the east side of the Fulton Chain of Lakes, a distance of about 11 miles. There were many summer camps built on the lake all the way to Old Forge. {They were the ones most prone to catching on fire in the summer for some strange reason. One of my parent's pleasures was to take a pleasant evening ride along the South Shore Road to see deer. Rarely were we disappointed.
Back down the hill to "The Head" (a nickname the natives had for the Town of Inlet, as in; "I'm going down to the head".) and across the bridge to Route 28 again, we come to Mr. And Mrs. Walt Rosa's Restaurant on the right at the corner. Rosa's was a small intimate restaurant with about 12 tables. My recollection of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa is that they were a friendly, elderly, childless couple who had a loyal clientele. Their building backed up to the Inlet. Next to Rosa's was the Red and White Grocery Store, owned and operated by the Rudd Family. Gordon (Gordie) Rudd and Evelyn were their children. Gordie was our age while Evelyn was somewhat older.
Across the street and down a little bit was a bright yellow restaurant owned and operated by Mary Trotter. She provided a family style cuisine, homey, comfortable surroundings and excellent quality meals. The restaurant was eventually sold to Harold Scott. "Scottie" was a float plane pilot who had operated a flying service for a few years prior to his acquisition of the Trotter's Restaurant. Scottie provided short 15 or 30-minute sight seeing flights around the local area for summer visitors, He would also fly fisherman and hunters back into the woods and leave them to do their thing.
During the middle or late 30's the Kalil family opened a third grocery store in Inlet up the street from Trotters, and they too have persevered to this day with a strong loyal, local seasonal clientele. The Kalil store was originally opened by John Simon. John was a brother to Mr. Kalil and had anglicized the name.
Next to Kalil's was the manse for the " Church of the Lakes." A Presbyterian Church that serviced the community surrounding Inlet My Mother was baptized in the church as were my brother and I.. The congregation was small in the winter and usually a minister who traveled from Old Forge to Inlet, and then on to Raquette Lake, to conduct the service. My Great Grand parents and Grand parents were loyal parishioners and have been honored with a stained glass window placed there by my Mother. A seasonal Pastor who presided over the various Church activities occupied the Manse during the summer. In the early 40's this was Pastor J.L. Zwingle. I still have a recommendation, in my files, written on September 12, 1941. The church was part of the Central Adirondack Larger Parish for many years. Rev. Raymond Roshea was pastor for four or five years in the late thirties and early forties having replaced Rev. Frank Read when he left to minister to lumber jacks. The Catholic Church was up the hill from there and had a permanent Pastor in residence most of the year.
Next to Rudd's was a garage owned and operated by Phil Panella. They lived over the garage area. They had a very attractive daughter named Gloria. I believe he specialized in transmissions and general engine repair. Next to them was the residence of Dr. Cole who delivered my brother Malcolm. Next to their place was the Modest Fredette's. Modest and his wife were childless but they were relatives of Dominick Fredette who had several children. Charlotte and Dorothy were closest to my age. Adelaide and Sonny were two of their siblings. They lived on the curve where the South Shore Road turned to go toward Old Forge.
Before you come to The Dominick Fredettes home you would pass the entrance to The Herman Williston residence. The private drive led to their home on Fifth Lake, one of the few on the South side of the Lake. The next street off the South Shore Road was the "Gilbert Road" where my friend Billy Gilbert lived, His family also had a home on Fifth Lake. Also living on this road were Ethel Hall and her two sons, Wilfred and Bobby and a daughter Mary Alice Driving to the end of the Gilbert Road would bring you to the "Sugar Bush," where, in the spring, when the sap would start flowing from the myriad's of budding maple trees, the owners would collect sap and boil it in huge vats to convert it to maple syrup for commercial sale. We found it fun to go there in the spring to watch the sap as it dripped from the trees into tin buckets hung on the spouts stuck in the trees. The workers would go to the hundreds of trees that had been tapped and collect the pails of fresh sap and pour it into long troughs so it would flow down hill to the vats where it would be heated with wood fires and rendered into delicious sweet maple syrup. When a trough could not provide a way to get the sap from the trees to the mill, they would drive a team of horses to the area and fill large open barrels from the pails by hand before taking back to the mill.
Then next was a dirt road that passed by among others, the Rarick's home, and led to Loomis' Restaurant and the town baseball field. There was a wooden covered bleachers section for spectators. The field also regularly served as a place for traveling circuses to set up. Loomis's was a very popular summer night spot catering to the drinking and dancing visitors. If you would make a right turn at Loomis's the road would lead you to the town garage where the equipment to maintain the local roads was garaged.
This road ran behind our house and in the springtime I delighted in hiking up the mountain behind that garage simply to enjoy the new season. I had found a small pond one spring and enjoyed returning to it each year to watch the small pond life emerging. The water skippers and mosquito larvae were particularly fascinating to a seven year old.
On the corner of that road and the South Shore Road lived Clint Schaller, who served us as the town barber. Clint cut my brother's and my hair every Saturday. They had a red headed daughter, Margaret, and a son. Across the street was the home of the Robert Lewis family; The Lewis's had four sons, Robert, Allen, William and Howard. We called Howard "Peanuts". His Mother, Una tells the story about how he got his nickname. When they were quite young brother Bill had some gumdrops and Howard had some peanuts. He made the following offer to Bill: "I'll let you smell my peanuts if you will give me one of your gumdrops."
Clarence and Harriet Lee owned the next home, I recall. Our home was the next one and we lived across the street from my Grandparents home. They lived next to my Great Grandfather, Kit. Across the street from Kit's home lived a summer resident, a man named Campbell, who had a huge front yard. In the winter we used the yard as a playground. We played "Fox and Geese" by tramping out a huge circle in the yard with several spokes going to the middle of the circle. One child was picked to be the "fox" and would try to catch the "geese." You had to stay within the spokes and if you made it to the middle you were safe.
After my Great Grandparents passed away my Grandfather would rent that home. One of the renters was the Breens. A daughter Annejune Breen was assistant postmaster in the early 40's. Next to that home was another house my Grandparents owned and rented. One of them was the Knappenberger family. Their daughter, Mary, was my first love at 6 or 7 years old. Mr. Knappenberger had the rare ability to look at a large column of number and immediately give the correct answer. The last renters were Lillian McNeil and her two sons. Her husband Larry, who was the postmaster and Golf Pro, had passed away from lung cancer. She became the Postmistress and eventually bought the home, circa 1946 or 47, for about $3700.
Next to them lived the Leitches. They also owned a lake front property. The entrance to the Nielsen's summer home on the south side of Fourth Lake was next. I recall they had two beautiful daughters. Across the street from them was the home of Attorney Lansing Tiffany and his family. Lansing was politically oriented and served the town in various capacities during the 30's and 40's. I believe Lansing's father, Frank, was also civically oriented. They had two very blond daughters who were close to my age.
On the other side of the road and down a little bit was the Barker's home. Charles "Chubby" Barker was my age and we often played together. He had a younger sister.
The Neodak" was the next property owned by the Rogers' family, mentioned earlier. Next the them a couple of German brothers, Oscar and Hans Holl, who bought an old hotel once owned and operated by Charles O'hara called the Araho.( Ohara spelled backward) They renovated the Araho in the early thirties and called it "Holl's Inn" It quickly became very popular as a summer resort and was a major player in the many places on the lake, vying for the lucrative tourist market. I had one very favorable memory of Holl's Inn. In 1940 I was serving the town as a postal clerk and a very lovely young lady came daily from Holl's Inn to pick up the mail. We hit it off and dated several times before the season ended and she returned to her home in Utica. I only remember her first name, Georgia, which happened to be the name of a popular song of the time.
Further down the road lived another Delmarsh family. Guy and Donald were the two sons. One winter the road froze over so thoroughly we could ice skate on it and I remember skating all the way to the Delmarshes. What fun.
Returning to the main street in town and turning north on Route 28 would eventually lead you to Raquette Lake, Blue Mountain Lake and Indian Lake. Proceeding toward Raquette Lake takes you past Fifth Lake. Fifth Lake was not really much more than a large pond. A tumbling rock filled stream that often provided us with a wonderful way to test our athleticism as we jumped from rock to rock on our way home from school fed it from Sixth Lake. Sixth Lake was a man made lake with a dam at the head of it where Gerald and Ina Kenwell, with their daughter Geraldine operated the Sixth Lake Inn.
Further up the highway was a dirt road that branched off to the right and led to Limekiln Lake where Eri Delmarsh operated a summer hotel. The Inlet Town dump was off this road. A popular attraction during the summer months, visitors would frequently go there to watch as black bears foraged through the leavings.
The Inlet Golf Club was next up the road. It was a nine-hole golf course carved from the forest. The fairways were hard and depended on nature's moisture to keep them green. Larry McNeil was the pro. His assistant was Joe Hickey and Dominic Fredette maintained the course. There were no carts in those days so there was a crew of caddies to carry the players' bags. Many if the caddies came from Utica, and Syracuse to spend the summer in Inlet.
Further up the road was a stand in the summer that we would go to spend our morning's earnings at lunch on nickel Nehi sodas and candy bars. The Payne family I believe managed this roadside stand.
Going further north on Route 28 toward 7th lake lived the Thibodaux family. I remember Elizabeth and particularly Alfred. Alfred was a pilot and, I understand, that, on one of his trips back into "The woods" was a tragic victim of a fatal, non-flight related accident.
On a personal note, I graduated from Johnstown High School in Johnstown NY in June of 1940 and, after a year at Syracuse University, in 1942 enlisted in the Naval Aviation Cadet program. Upon graduating from flight school in Corpus Christie Texas I was made a 2nd Lt. in the United States Marine Corps. During WWII I flew the Chance-Vought F4U Corsair off the carrier USS Bunker Hill, and later, in Korea, I also flew the Corsair as close air support for ground troops. I later trained and flew in helicopters. I retired from the Marine Corps Reserves in 1963 as a Lt. Col.
I have a beautiful wife, Leslie Hepworth-Cameron, and three lovely daughters, Judith, Laurie and Juliana.
My E-mail address is
My memories of my growing up in Inlet and Hamilton County will always remain vivid in my memory bank. I don't believe there could have been a more satisfying childhood than the one I enjoyed there, surrounded by the beauty and ambience of the Adirondacks and Hamilton County.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:37:21 PDT
Copyright © 2002: Duncan Cameron