WWII Military Discharges Index
Hamilton County

Many Thanks to Annie Weaver for this donation!!

Source:  WWII Military Discharges as recorded at the Hamilton County Clerks Office, Lake Pleasant, NY.

There are three books of Military Discharges at the Clerks Office.  We shall label them as:

BkA:  The original handwritten "Military Discharge Book," has Civil War thru WWI discharges.
Bk1:  The "Military Discharge Book1, World War II," has WWI thru 1950s discharges.
Bk2:  The "Military Discharge Book2," has WWI through 1990s discharges.
Note: unless noted as Book 2 the pages referenced are from Book 1.

To obtain copies of these records, write to:

County Clerk
P.O. Box 204, Rte. 8
Lake Pleasant, N.Y. 12108-0204
(518) 548-7111 or 548-6204

Military Discharge Book One or Two

Abrams, Delos Bryon Jr.         Page 245, 396
Abrams, Floyd W. Jr.            Page 314
Abusia, James                   Book 2: Page 81-84 (also WWI)
Aird, Charles T.                Page 481
Aird, Everett Lawrence          Page 115
Aird, William Piercon           Page 408
Albertin, John Joseph           Page 499
Aldous, Guy R.                  Page 170
Amadon, Henry Fowler            Page 360, 365
Amadon, Henry Fowler            Book 2: Page 113-114
Arnold, Watson H.               Page 20
Arsenault, Stanley H.           Page 205
Arsenault, Stuart H.            Page 204
Austin, Malcolm P.              Page 218

Babcock, George Roma            Page 296
Babcock, John Wesley            Page 234, 349
Bahlmann, Richard W.            Book2: Page 197
Bailey, Joseph B.               Page 149
Baker, Ida                      Page 96
Baker, William E.               Page 184
Baldwin, Harold Logan Jr.       Page 122
Barner, William H.              Page 326
Bartholf, Benjamin A. Jr.       Page 262
Bartholf, Gary Wayne            Page 512
Bartholf, Richard Benjamin      Page 520
Bartlett, John E.               Page 35
Barton, Ralph J.                Page 45
Barton, Robert L.               Page 152
Beckary, Jules A.               Page 199
Becker. Walter                  Page 23
Beckinghane, Richard E.         Page 302, 304
Beers, Edwin                    Page 93
Beers, Lyman Horace             Page 94
Belmant, Frank Joseph           Page 359
Bennett, Harold                 Page 378, 384
Bennett, Kenneth F.             Page 496
Bennett, Robert L.              Page 290
Benton, George M.               Page 412
Benton, John Joseph             Page 484
Betts, Donald F.                Page 504, 505, 506
Bird, Allen J.                  Page 221
Bird, Frederick C.              Page 226
Bissell, Talbot                 Page 165, 403
Blakeman, George Ramsey         Page 155
Blanchard, Cecil Robert         Page 476, 477
Blanchard, Shirley Edward       Page 495
Blowers, Charles W.             Page 346
Boh, Raymond E.                 Page 357
Bonesteel, John H.              Page 392
Bonesteel, Robert F.            Page 2
Boone, Ann Marie                Page 253
Boone, Ethel Mary               Page 254
Boone, William C.               Page 393
Boudreau, George Joseph         Page 271
Bradt, Charles Allen            Page 545
Bradt, Claude Ira               Page 371
Bradt, Henry A.                 Page 278
Brooks, Clarence D.             Page 334, 341
Brooks, Ernest E.               Page 315
Brooks, Robert O.               Page 323A
Brown, Howard Guy               Page 16
Brown, Robert George            Page 479
Buchard, Joseph D.              Page 338
Buck, Lloyd Douglas             Page 406
Burch, Frank A.                 Page 107
Burgess, George S.              Page 127
Burgess, Roscoe                 Page 261
Burnette, Frank E.              Page 109
Burnette, Wilfred A.            Page 113
Bursa, Fredolin                 Page 157
Burton, Gordon W.               Page 225
Burton, Richard Claude Jr.      Page 435
Buten, Henry Martin             Page 293
Buyce. Allison                  Page 229
Buyce, Gerald M.                Page 196, 198
Buyce, Roy                      Page 276

Call, Allen Douglas  Jr.        Page 159
Call, Walter W.                 Page 95
Campbell, John B.               Page 68
Carey, Wilbur H.                Page 203
Carroll, Hubert F.              Page 106, 388
Carroll, Leo Rogers             Page 26
Carroll, William J.             Page 369
Cason, William Grant            Page 239
Chequer, John Hamilton          Page 511
Clement, Arthur E.              Page 268
Clemovich, Michael J.           Page 162
Colden, William C. Jr.          Book 2: Page 201
Cole, Vaugn P.                  Page 321
Collins, John Robert            Page 483, 517
Coulombe, Kenneth               Page 281
Coulombe, Robert George         Page 480
Courtney, Richard N.            Page 193
Courtney, Wallace W.            Page 335
Craig, Archie D.                Page 58
Cummins, Bennie Francis         Page 482
Curry, David Granville          Book 2: Pages 179, 181, 183-184
Curry, John Robert Jr.          Page 485
Curtis, Abraham L.              Page 542
Cymbalak, Michael               Page 172, 174, 175

Dampher, William                Page 277
Dampier, Robert E.              Page 89
Danforth, Howard W.             Page 99
Davis, Willard L.               Page 140
DeMarsh, Gardon E.              Page 343
DeMarsh, Lloyd Melvin           Page 409
DeMarsh, Melson C.              Page 10,  12
DeVoid, Richard                 Page 133
Dewey, William Timothy          Book2: Page 189
DiCaprio, Louis                 Page 117
Dillow, Dennis T. Jr.           Page 156
Dillow, John C.                 Page 120
DiMezza, Donald Roselle         Page 142
Dobson, Austin                  Page 288
Donahue, John H.                Page 251
Downey, Robert                  Page 238
Duane, Wilfred B. Jr.           Page 419
Durking, Hubert M.              Page 6
Durking, William Hosea          Page 494
Dunham, Leo F.                  Page 28
Dunham, Richard Arnold          Page 316, 317
Dunham, William D. Jr.          Page 130

Earley, Chester E.              Page 146
Earley, Claude M.               Page 77
Earley, George H.               Page 211
Earley, Harold C.               Page 516
Earley, Howard S.               Page 459
Earley, Roy Loomis Jr.          Page 544
Easton, Nelson G.               Page 179
Edick, Kenneth J.               Page 112
Egenhofer, Robert Francis       Page 414
Eldridge, Daniel J.             Page 5
Elmore, Leslie                  Page 386
Emerson, James W.               Page 168
Emerson, Wallace H.             Page 29
Erb, Henry A.                   Page 69

Fagan, James M. Jr.             Page 128
Farber, Gene Earl               Page 436, 523
Farrell, James R.               Page 206
Filkins, Merrett E.             Page 186
Filkens, Walter S.              Page 8
Firth, Earl C.                  Page 368
Fish, Beecher M.                Page 325, 327
Fish, Ralph E.                  Page 200
Fish, Townsend P.               Page 103
Fish, Wallace W.                Page 83
Fisher, Richard W.              Page 177
Flax, Joseph                    Book2: Page 87-88
Fraser, James E.                Page 9
Fredette, Duane R.              Page 37
Freeman, Frederick Arthur       Page 80,  377
Frieherger, John Jr.            Page 382, 383
Fullagar, William Alfred        Page 352
Fuller, George N.               Page 195, 297

Gallup, Harold David            Page 166
Gallup, Harold K.               Page 131
Gallup, Josie B.                Page 141
Galusha, Lawrence L.            Page 67
Gauthier, John Aldie            Page 414
Genego, William J.              Page 242
Glassbrook, Robert B. Jr.       Page 432, 433
Good, David John                Page 546
Graham, Harry Dewitt            Page 431
Griffiths, Edward T.            Page 46
Griffiths, James Sydney         Page 394
Griffiths, Sydney               Page 366
Gutliph, Clarence Ernest        Page 465, 466

Hall, George A.                 Page 348
Hall, Richard Sherman           Page 244
Hall, Robert Daniel             Page 487, 488
Hall, Vernon P.                 Page 368
Harr, Martin J.                 Page 148
Hart, Richard L.                Page 137
Hartnett, Thomas James          Page 518
Harrington, George Benjamin     Page 399
Harrington, John R.             Page 202
Harrison, Alfred J.             Page 387
Harwood, Theodore Leonard       Page 217
Helms, Edward R.                Page 311
Helms, William James            Page 15
Henley, William D.              Page 313
Henschel, Edwards G.            Page 500, 501
Hopkins, Augustus U.            Page 14
Hosley, Edwin J.                Page 64
Hosley, Roy William             Page 188
Houghton, Amy E.                Page 497, 498
Hunt, Francis L.                Page 1
Husson, Gerald Dyer             Page 264
Hutchins, George David          Page 241
Hutchins, Thomas Arthur         Page 510
Hutchins, Vernon B.             Page 91

Jennings, Alfred G.             Page 305
Jennings, Edward Harold         Page 105
Jennings, Robert E.             Page 228
Jennings, Stanley V.            Page 102
Jennings, Walter Dean           Page 78,  434
Johnson, Douglas Martin         Page 478
Johnson, Harry Edward           Page 282
Jock, Raymond Francis           Page 240
Jones, Martin D.                Page 319, 320

Kavanaugh, Joseph Gerald        Book2: Page 8
Kibler, Marjorie Louise         Book2: Page 128, 130-132
King, Albert H.                 Page 66
King, Bucher                    Page 361, 363
King, Emmett L.                 Page 260
King, Guilbert H.               Page 353, 355
King, Harold E.                 Page 119
King, Howard C.                 Page 183
King, Lynn McCabe               Page 405
King, Stuart G.                 Page 145
King, Verne B.                  Page 301
Kipp, Edward F.                 Page 214
Knapp, Clarence F.              Page 118
Knapp, Frederick Brown          Page 167, 350
Knapp, Jason E.                 Page 207
Knapp, Nelson Daniel            Page 376
Knapp, Walter J.                Page 42
Knowles, Walter J.              Page 48
Kopp, Pierce J.                 Page 60

LaBlanc, Hilary John            Page 189
Lamkey, William John 3rd        Page 257
Lamos, Dennis J.                Page 135
Lamos, John T.                  Page 318
Lamos, Leon Erwin               Page 280
Lamos, Ralph Clifford           Page 250, 295
Lamos, Tarbell B.               Page 233
Lamos, Thomas                   Page 215
Lamphear, Edgar M.              Page 220
Lamphear, Edward M.             Page 300
Lamphear, Edward M.             Book2: Page 175-176
Lamphear, Ellie M.              Page 337
Lamphear, Frank Jr.             Page 227
Lamphear, Hursel                Page 7
Lanphear, Beecher S.            Page 75
Lanphear, Elmer N.              Page 342
Lanphear, Gerald M.             Page 308
Lanphear, Wilbur H.             Page 92
LaPelle, William B.             Page 134
LaPrairie, Ernest Edward        Page 191
LaPrairie, Henry Matson         Page 63
LaPrairie, Norris H.            Page 53
Lauterbauch, Eugene Henry       Page 286
Lavarnway, Lewis G.             Book2: Page 2-3
Lawrence, Alfred Lyle           Page 123
Lawrence, Roger Fountain        Page 275
Lawrence, Samuel Martin         Page 398
Leadley, John H.                Book2: Page 243, 245
Lewis, George S.                Page 213
Lewis, Howard W.                Page 56
Locke, Arthur M.                Page 49
Locke, Francis I.               Page 332
Locke, Fred J.                  Page 111
Locke, Gerald E.                Page 232
Locke, Ned W.                   Book2: Page 122
Lucas, Kenneth G.               Page 85,   86, 88
Lynch. John N.                  Page 216

Mahoney, Bernard F.             Book2: Page 37-38
Mayers, Alvin                   Page 274
McAfee, John K.                 Page 13,  120
McAfee, Thomas Fisher           Page 397
McAveigh, James Thomas          Page 256
McIntyre, Erdyx F.              Page 34
McPherson, Owen I.              Page 153
McSweeney, Donald P.            Page 180
McSweeney, Edward J. Jr.        Page 309
McSweeney, Gerald E.            Page 59
Meacheam, Charles P.            Page 457, 458
Megargel, Pearl P.              Page 416
Meneilley, James R.             Page 299
Millham, Delight                Page 246
Mitchell, Franklin G.           Page 47,  346
Mitchell, Marie D.              Page 351
Monthony, John Joseph           Page 475
Morris, John R.                 Page 187
Morris, Gordon C.               Book2: Page 143
Morrison, Abram S.              Page 306
Morrison, Calvin Eugene         Page 467, 468
Morrison, Clarence C.           Page 76
Morrison, Frank L.              Page 147
Morrison, Richard               Page 124
Morrison, Robert E.             Page 201
Morrison, Sanford E.            Page 11
Morrissey, William F.           Page 441, 442

Nelson, Paul Wick               Book2: Page 222
Nelson, Robert Bjarne           Page 19
Norton, Russell Arthur          Page 446, 447

OConnell, John Garfield         Page 418, 486
OKeefe, James P.                Page 12,  173
Orr, Charles Andrew Jr.         Page 259
Orr, Ralph S.                   Page 71
Osborne, William H.             Page 284
Ovitt, Sherwood M.              Page 181
Owens, Harry J.                 Page 100

Page, Elmer G.                  Page 84
Page, Erwin Leman               Page 114
Page, Everett D.                Page 178
Page, James L.                  Page 129
Pardee, Claude L.               Page 329
Parker, Edward B.               Book2: Page 118, 120
Parker, Frank                   Page 291
Parker, Maurice Andrew          Page 440
Parslow, Chancey L.             Page 31
Parslow, Clinton F.             Page 185
Parslow, Donald Chancey         Page 439, 513
Parslow, Joseph C.              Page 98
Parslow, Louis E.               Page 379, 381
Parslow, Robert H.              Page 139
Parslow, Sandford L.            Page 132
Pawling, Henry H.               Page 116
Pawling, William J. H.          Page 163
Peck, Robert Jr.                Page 331
Peckham, Edward L.              Page 22
Pelletieve, Lawrence Adrian     Page541
Perkins, George Luther          Page 194
Perkins, Thomas Arthur          Page 445, 521
Peters, David                   Page 248
Peters, Harold E.               Page 437, 438
Petteys, Henry Crandall         Page 81
Phillips, Charlie               Page 336
Ponder, Robert E.               Page 527, 528
Popp, Gregory Sylus             Book2: Page 6, 209-211
Potter, Frank A.                Page 362, 367
Potter, Joe E.                  Page 84
Potter, Robert E.               Page 108
Preston, Bernard Scott          Page 531
Preston, Charles William        Page 32
Pruden, Edward Willard          Book2: Page 199

Quillan, Burton Durwood         Page 151
Quillan, Elwyn C.               Page 38
Quillan, Thelma Janett          Page 258

Ramp, John Paul                 Page 17, 463, 464
Reed, Kenneth A.                Book2: Page 105
Reese, Carl L.                  Page 171
Reese, George S.                Page 263
Remias, John Jr.                Book2: Page 171, 173, 174
Roblee, James A. Jr.            Page 289
Roblee, James H.                Page 212
Rockwell, Warren Phil           Book2: Page 241
Romaine, George Howard          Page 62
Ronald,Dorothy Annabelle        Page 270
Rose, Bernard W.                Page 74
Rudes, Alton Harold             Page 222, 224
Rudes, Arnold Henry             Page 426
Rudes, John C.                  Page 526
Ruehl, Kenneth Marvin           Page 410, 411
Russell, Earle F.               Page 4
Russell, Edith Belle            Page 252
Ruzycky, Michael                Page 422, 423, 424
Ryan, Leonard William           Page 104
Ryan, Thomas L.                 Page 210

Savarie, Robert L.              Page 380
Savarie, Stanley G.             Page 298
Schaller, Clinton A.            Page 323
Schultz, Alfred John            Book2: Page 101
Schuyler, Clayton Dewitt        Page 235
Schuyler, Ellsworth Lyle        Page 231
Schuyler, Gerald W.             Page 236
Schuyler, Lynden H.             Page 243
Seaman, Clifford J.             Page 249
Seaman, Howard J.               Page 169
Sherman, Allen Curtis Jr.       Page 344
Sherman, John Edwin             Page 287
Sherwood, Kenneth Waring        Book2: Page 249
Simonds, Andrew                 Page 443, 444
Simons, Edward Gordon           Page 230
Simons, Floyd W.                Page 209
Simons, Hassan C.               Page 97
Slack, Artless A.               Page 333
Slack, Clifford                 Page 27
Slack, Eugene Grant             Page 403
Slack, Fred F.                  Page 7
Slack, William H.               Page 219
Smith, George Arthur            Page 18
Smith, Malcolm                  Page 57
Smith, Perry Olivir             Page 292
Smith, Renwick E.               Page 370, 373
Smith, Walter L.                Page 110
Soderquist, Harold Helmer;       Book2: Page 233, 235
Spoor, Wesley Joseph            Page 40
Spring, James L.                Page 160
Stanton, Donald W.              Page 72
Stanton, DuBois                 Page 294
Stanton, Percy W.               Page 136
Stehlin, Gerard P.              Book2: Page 133, 135
Stephens, Harry G.              Page 400
Stevens, Vaughn L.              Page 322
Stoddard, Donald Francis        Page 143, 393
Stuart, Delbert P.              Page 3
Stuart, Ivan                    Page 50
Stuart, Lloyd W.                Page 61
Stuart, Morgen M.               Page 347
Stuart, Nelson                  Page 90
Sturges, Kenneth Harvey         Page 223
Sullivan, Timothy D. Jr.        Page 310
Sutton, Duane                   Page 375

Tanner, Ralph A.                Page 383A
Tichemor, Noel                  Page 522
Tiffany, Lansing Kirch          Page 529
Tracey, Lawrence Mortimer       Page 41
Tubbs, Delbert O.               Page 25
Tubbs, Herbert O.               Page 345
Turner, Leslie L.               Page 247

Vanderwarker, Howard L.         Page 70
Verdon, John Peter              Page 462
Virgil, Roger F.                Page 269

Wadsworth, Robert J.            Page 182
Warner, Donald F.               Page 158
Wasenack, Carl G.               Page 307
Washburn, Eli Perry             Page 534
Washburn, Harrison              Page 152
Waterston, Douglas H.           Page 144
Wells, William H.               Page 52
Weaver, Floyd Richard           Page 265
Weaver, LeRoy P.                Page 176
Wharram, Walter John            Page 150
Wheeler, Edward                 Page 65
Whitman, Leon E.                Page 101
Wickes, Gary Lewis              Page 530
Wight, Clifton M.               Page 161
Wilber, Robert S.               Page 192
Wilbur, Calvin H.               Page 138
Williams, Carl H.               Page 73
Williams, Timothy John          Page 452, 453, 454
Wood, Ernest                    Page 272
Wubbolt, Hans W.                Book2: Page 126
Wyman, Arthur Parker            Book2: Page 161-162
Yepson, Donald Christian        Book2: Page 106-107

Young, Calvin D.                Page 44

Zellner, John H.                Book2: Page 111
Zerrenner, Albert Mavan         Page 154
Zoller, Erwin H.                Page 237
Zoller, Eugene P.               Page 126

Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:35:49 PDT
Copyright © 2000-2005:  Annie Weaver