State of New York
Saratoga County
[?] County Court held in & for the county aforesaid before Augustus {Bookus or Bockes] County Judge in and for said county in the village of Saratoga Springs on the ninth day of July in 1849, the most satisfactory evidence was [?] to [?] that Francis Dowen was a soldier of the Revolutionary War and during the period of said [?] was a resident of the town of Douglass in the county of Worcester in the State of Massachusetts and died in the town of Hope in the county of Hamilton and state of New York on the 10th day of February 1827; that he left him surviving a widow whose name was Nelly and that she did not later marry but continued the widow of the said Francis Dowen until the day of her death and that she died at the town of Pittstown in the county of Rensselaer and state of new York on the 22nd day of March 1838, leaving her surviving the following named children who are the only legitimate heirs at law of the said deceased Francis and Nelly Dowen and are of lawful age viz:
Mary Baker of Northampton, Fulton County, New York
Martha Baker of Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Elizabeth Miller of Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Daniel W. Dowen of Wilton, Saratoga County, New York
Eleanor [Buderhoff ?] [Rocharte ?], [Albany ?] County, New York
Abigail Groff of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, New York
The heirs of Francis and Nelly Dowen above named claim the pension due their mother the said Nelly Dowen at the time of her death under the section of the Act of July 4th 1836.
[Signed] A. Bockes Sar Co Judge
State of New York
County of Saratoga
On this third day of April A.D. 1857 personally appeared before me a justice of the peace within & for the county aforesaid Daniel W. Dowen aged sixty four years a resident of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. who being duly sworn according to the law declares that he is the son of Francis Dowen or Downe who was a soldier in the Revolution; That previous to enlisting his father the said Francis Dowen or Downe resided in the town of Douglas, Worcester County, Massachusetts; That he served as a private soldier in the company commanded by Captain Ebenezer Belknap in the Regiment of [blank] commanded by Colonel Nathaniel Wade from July 9, 1778 to January 1, 1779and was mustered in Captain Nathan Fisher's Company as belonging to [southbor???] and served as a private soldier from July 17th to October 10th 1780 in Captain William house's Company, Colonel John Rand's Regiment; and also was under General Wadsworth in the city of New York at the time the city was abandoned to the British.
That his mother's maiden name was Eleanor Williams. That he is one of eight children of the above said father & mother; four of whom are now dead and four now living; that is himself and three sisters; that his father resided after the war in the town of [Wiskezuna ?] and Schenectady, New York and died on the tenth day of February 1828 in the town of Hope, Hamilton County, New York; had resided there about twenty eight years previous to his death, it was then called Montgomery County, and his mother died on the 21st day of March 1838 at Pittstown, Rensselaer County, new York. Said deponent believes that the said children of Francis Dowen or Downe are fully entitled to pension money under laws of the United States and that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.
[Signed] Daniel W. Dowen
Witness, H. J. Walbridge
Sworn to before me this third day of April 1857 and I know said deponent to be a credible person and I have no interest in this claim.
Saratoga Springs, April 3, 1857
[Signed] John B. [Felshaw ?], Justice of the Peace