Revolutionary War Pension
Isaac Bennett

Donated by Joanne Murray

Revolutionary War
Declaration for Pension
Isaac Bennett
Series: M805, Roll: 79; File #W23595 / BLWT31445-160-55

Bennett / Bennet, Isaac & Abigail
Service: Massachusetts

This claim had been omitted until 7 January 1834, & then entered by Massachusetts.
New York
Isaac Bennett of Northampton in the state of New York who was a Corporal of the Massachusetts line, for the term of 3 years 1780. Inscribed on the Roll of New York at the rate of eight Dollars per month, to commence on the 18 of Jan [1818 ?]. Certificate of Pension issued the 27 of March [ 1819 ?] and sent to [Avery Starkwather ?] Esq. Saratoga, N York.
Arrears to 4th of March 1819 $65.49. Semi-anl all'ce ending 4 Sept $48. [Total] $116.49
{Revolutionary claim, Act 18th March, 1818}

New York, Albany
Abigail Bennett
Widow of Isaac Bennett, Mass, who served in the Revolutionary war as a private.
Increased from $80 per annum.
Inscribed on the Roll at the rate of 96 Dollars 00 Cents per annum to commence on the 1st day of Feby 1851 and sent to G. M. Phillips [P??? ent]
Recorded on the Roll of Pensioners under act of February 2, 1848, Page 14, Vol. 4
Date of widow's death not on AB

State of New York
Saratoga County
        On this eighteenth day of June 1818 before me the subscriber, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Saratoga and state of New York, personally appears Isaac Bennett aged 59 years, resident in the town of Northampton in the County of Montgomery in the said state, who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:" That the said Isaac Bennett enlisted in March 1777 in the town of Pelham in the state of Massachusetts as a Corporal in the company commanded by Captain Daniel Shayes in the Regiment commanded by Col. Rufus Putnam [Sr. ?] of the Massachusetts Line for the term of three years; that he continued to serve in the said corps, or in the service of the United States until the month of March one thousand seven hundred & eighty when he was discharged from the service in the highlands and state of New York; that he was in the battles of the taking of Burgoyne and that he is in reduced circumstances, and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support; and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services and further declares that he again enlisted in the town of Pelham and state of Massachusetts in the spring of 1780 for the term of three years in the company commanded by Capt. Coggswell in the Regiment commanded by Col. Jackson being the Ninth of the Massachusetts Line and further declares that he served until the spring of Seventeen hundred and eighty three when he was honorably discharged at the garrison at West Point which discharge he has since lost.
Signed Isaac Bennet
Sworn to and declared before me, the day and year aforesaid. Avery Stackweather, Judge of Saratoga Common Pleas
I Avery Stackweather Judge, &c. as aforesaid, do certify that it appears to my satisfaction that the said Isaac Bennet did serve in the revolutionary war, as stated in the preceding declaration, against the common enemy: and I now transmit the proceedings and testimony taken and had before me, to the Secretary for the War Department, pursuant to the directions of the aforesaid act of congress and I do further certify that from the proof hereinto annexed together with my own personal knowledge it appears to my satisfaction that the said Isaac Bennet needs the assistance of his country for support. Dated June 18th 1818 Avery Stackweather, Judge.

State of New York
        On this thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord 1820 personally appeared in open court, being a court of record in said state and for the county of Montgomery Isaac Bennet aged sixty one years resident in the town of Hope formerly Northampton in the county of Montgomery of aforesaid state who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary was as follows, to wit: he served in the army in the capacity of a corporal for the term of three years. That her served in Captain Daniel Shay's Company in Colonel Rufus Putnam's Regiment being the Seventh Regiment in the Massachusetts Line and that he has made a declaration setting forth his services in the army of the revolution which declaration was dated the 18th day of June 1818, and that he has received a pension from the United States, and the number of his pension certificate is 8,848 - and I solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any other manner disposed of my property or in any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service in the revolutionary war passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any persons in trust for me any property or securities, contracts or debts due me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed - and that I am by occupation a farmer and am [decreped ?] and worn insomuch that I am not able to assist but little in the support of myself and family - Abigail my wife aged forty two years is able to assist in the support of my family as much as is generally expected from a woman of her age - John my eldest son living with one aged sixteen years well and able to do the labor of a person of his age, Robert King, aged ten years, Gilbert aged five years, Esther Jane aged three years and Zilpha aged one year which seven persons and children comprise my family living with me and from whom myself or them receive any assistance. All of which I declare to be just and true.
[Signed] Isaac Bennett
Sworn to and declared at Johnstown in the county aforesaid the thirteenth day of June 1820 in open court. [Signed] John McCarthy, Clerk
Schedule of the estate or property of Isaac Bennett related to the foregoing declaration annexed to wit:
One pair five year old oxen for which remains unpaid for them according to the contract for them made thirty seven and an half dollars, one cow, six young hogs, one other older hog, one harrow, three hoes, two axes, one chain, 2 small [curgses ?] one firm pail, iron kettle damaged, two small iron pots, 1 teakettle, one small dish kettle, one spider, one set knives & forks, one set cups and saucers, and six teaspoons and some other small articles of trivial worth or importance - I do hereby certify that the above is a correct and fair statement of all the property real or personal Estate, except necessary clothing and bedding which I possess, and also excepting provisions sufficient to last my family till the month of September next, dated at Johnstown in the county of Montgomery aforesaid the thirteenth day of June 1820.
[Signed] Isaac Bennett
State of New York
Montgomery County
Clerks office
        I John McCarthy Clerk of the court of common pleas in and for the said county do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and schedule thereto annexed are duly coppyed [sic] from the record of the said court and I further certify that it is proved to the satisfaction of the said court by the oaths of credible witnesses and that it is the opinion of the said court that the Estate amount in value of the property exibited [sic] is one hundred dollars. In testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and affixed the seal of the said court on the 26th day of June 1820.
[Signed] Jno. McCarthy

State of New York
County of Montgomery
        On this 10th day of September 1838 personally appeared before the Honorable Abm. Morrell first Judge, John hand, Davis F. Sacia, Judges in open court Abigail Bennett a resident of Johnstown in the county of Montgomery aged 63 years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of congress passed July 7th 1838 entitled "an act granting half pay and pensions to certain widows" That she is the widow of Isaac Bennett who was a pensioner of the United States under the act of congress of March 18th 1818 or of May 1st 1828.
        She further declares that she was married to the said Isaac Bennett on the 14th day of February in the year seventeen hundred and ninety two: that her husband, the aforesaid Isaac Bennett died on the 21st day of December 1832. That she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place previous to the first of January Seventeen hundred and ninety four, viz: at the time above stated. And that she had remained a widow ever since the death of her husband the aforesaid Isaac Bennett.
        She further declares that she does not know of any record of their marriage as above stated; except that which is now contained in an old Bible which was copied from an old loose piece of paper about six or seven years ago; the said loose piece of paper having since been lost or destroyed. That the said record she now allows to be taken from the said Bible, and made to accompany this declaration. Sworn to and subscribed in open court on the day and year above written, and that the proceeding are satisfactory to the said court.
[Signed] Abigail Bennett

[Note: The following family record, hand written on narrow sheets of paper, is very difficult to read, but a type written copy is included in a letter included in the file.]
Family Record
Abigail [?] [M ??]
Isaac Bennett in the year [seventeen hundred ninety two ?]
Daniel Bennett [?? 16th? 18??]
Poly Bennett April [11th ?] [????]
Isaac Bennett Jr. Borne September 25 [1800]
Hannah Bennett Borne September [4th] [????]
John Bennett Borne October [?] [18??]
Patience Bennett Borne February 4th [1814 ?]
Robert Bennett Borne December 8th [188?]
Potter Bennett Borne March 14th 1810
[Gilbert ?] Bennett Borne April [?] 1812
Jane Bennett Borne [?] [?]
[?] [?] Borne June [?] 1820
Ory Bennett Borne [January ?] 4th 1823

State of New York
County of Montgomery
        On this 10th day of December 1838 personally appeared before me Samuel A. Gilbert one of the judges of Montgomery county courts, Abigail Bennett a resident of Johnstown, state and count aforesaid, aged 63 years who being first duly sworn according to the Law, doth on her oath make the following explanatory or supplementary declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 7th 1838 entitled "an act granting half pay and pensions to certain widow." That she is the widow of Isaac Bennett who was a pensioner of the United States under the act of Congress of 1818 or of 1820. She further declares that she was married to the said Isaac Bennett on the 14th day of February in the year seventeen hundred and ninety two in the town of Stamford near the state line between Vermont and Massachusetts by a Justice of the Peace whom the people called Esquire Seley; she cannot say certain in which of the said states the marriage ceremony was performed but is confident that it was in the town of Stamford. Nor can she say that she ever knew what Esquire Seley's Christian name was. She further declares that her father's name was John Sheldin and that her name [prior to being married to the said Isaac Bennett as above stated) was Abigail Sheldin daughter of the said John Sheldin; and that her place of residence at the time of her marriage as above stated was with her father and mother in the town of Adams in the state of Massachusetts. She further declares that the facts set forth in her original declaration respecting the date of her marriage to the said Isaac Bennett, the period of his death [?] down to the close of it are all true according to the best of her knowledge, belief and understanding.
Abigail Bennett X her mark
Subscribed and sworn on the day and year above written before me Saml. A. Gilbert, a judge of said county

State of New York
County of Hamilton
        On this 18th day of June A.D. 1835 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within and for the said county and state aforesaid Abigail Bennett aged seventy eight years a resident of the county of Fulton in the state of New York who being duly sworn according to law declares that she is the widow of Isaac Bennett deceased who was a private in the company commanded by Captain [no name here] in the Regiment of [no name] in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States known as the Revolutionary War; that she was married to the said [blank] in the year [blank]; that her maiden name was [blank]; that her said husband died in the year A.D. 18 [blank] and that she is now a widow for the proof of [these ?] [parts ?] she refers to her application for pension under act 1st July 1838 upon which she has obtained pension of $96 per annum which now draws in the state of New York. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the act of March 3rd 1855 never having [received ?] [applice ?] for bounty land under this or any other Act of Congress except as stated.
Abigail Bennett X her mark
        Personally came Esther Jane [Vandoh ?] and Orry Bennett residents of the county of Fulton in the state of New York who upon oath declare that they are personally well acquainted with Mrs. Abigail Bennett and saw her sign or make her mark to the foregoing declaration; that they know her to be the identical person therein represented and that she is a widow.
[Signed] Esther Jane [Vandick ?]
[and] Orry Bennet
The foregoing declaration and affidavit were sworn to and subscribed before me this 18 day of June 1855 and I certify that I believe claimant to be the identical person she [?] herself to be; that she [?] a credible person and that I have no interest in this claim.
[Signed] L. Anibale, Justice of the Peace

[A type written letter follows]
June 26, 1937
[To] Mrs. George Sergent
Route #2
Utica, Illinois

Dear Madam:

        Reference is made to your letter in which you request the Revolutionary War record of Isaac Bennett, who served from Massachusetts and was pensioned in 1818.
        You are furnished herein the record of the only soldier named Isaac Bennet or Bennett, found in the Revolutionary War records of this office who served from Massachusetts and was pensioned in 1818.
        The date and place of birth and names of the parents of Isaac Bennet are not given.
        Isaac Bennet enlisted in Pelham, Massachusetts, in March, 1777, served as corporal in Captain Daniel Shay's company, Colonel Rufus Putnam's Massachusetts Regiment, was at the surrender of Burgoyne and was discharged in March, 1780. He enlisted in the spring of 1780, served in Captain Cogswell's company Colonel Jackson's Massachusetts regiment and was discharged in the spring of 1783.
        The soldier was allowed pension on his application executed June 18, 1818, at which time he was aged fifty-nine years and residing in Northampton, Montgomery County, New York. He signed Isaac Bennet. In 1820, he was living in Hope which was formerly a part of Northampton, Montgomery County, New York, and died there December 21, 1832.
        Isaac Bennett married February 14, 1792, in Stamford, Bennington County, Vermont, near the state line of Vermont and Massachusetts, Abigail Sheldin, then living in Adams, Massachusetts, with her father, John Sheldin, and mother whose name was not stated, nor was the date of birth of Abigail Sheldin given.
        Soldier's widow, Abigail Bennet or Bennett, was allowed pension on her application executed September 10, 1838, at which time she was aged sixty-three years and a resident of Johnstown, Montgomery County, New York. She had formerly been a resident of Edinburgh, Saratoga County, New York, and in August, 1839 had returned to Edinburgh. In 1843 she was living in Northampton, then in Fulton County, New York. In March, 1850, it was stated that she had lived in Northampton ten years.
        The following family data are [given ?] in the claim:

Abigail Sheldin married Isaac Bennett............... 1792
Daniel Bennett.......................... October 15, 1795
Poley       " ............................ April 10, 1798
Isaac       " Jr.  born .............. September 25, 1800
[Hanah ?]   "       "  ................ September 6, 1803
John        "       " ................... October 8, 1804
Patience    "       " .................. February 6, 1806
Robert King "       " .................. December 8, 1808
Potter      "       " .................... March 14, 1810
Gilbert     "       " .................... April 21, 1812
Esther Jane "       " ...................... June 4, 1815
                                             and in 1855 of Fulton Co., N.Y.
Zilpha      "       " ...................... June 7, 1820
Aaron       "       " ............... January [27 ?] 1821
[Oreg ?]    "       " ................... January 4, 1823
                                             and in 1855 of Fulton Co., N.Y.

        In 1838, one Zilpha Van Dyke testified in Montgomery County, New York, that she lived with the soldier, Isaac Bennet and his wife, Abigail, many years prior to 1831, but she did not state her relationship to them. In 1848, one Giles C. Van Dyke witnessed the signature by mark of soldier's widow, Abigail Bennet in Fulton County, New York, and again in 1850 with one Gilbert H. Bennett in the same county. The relationship between Zilpha and Giles C. Van Dyke not shown, nor was it shown whether Gilbert H. Bennett was identical with Gilbert shown in family data given above.
[hand written at bottom] In [1835 ? - should be 1855] Esther Jane [Vonderk ?] & Orry Bennet [? ? ?]...
Very truly yours
A. D. Hiller
Executive Assistant to the Administrator

Additional Information from Other Sources

Source: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, 17 Vols.Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Co., 1896. Vol. 1, Page 957
Bennett, Isaac, Middleborough.List of men mustered in Plymouth Co. as returned June 10, 1777; Capt. John Porter's co., Col. Michael Jackson's regt.; age, 44 yrs.; residence, Middleborough; enlistment, 3 years.
[Also, same volume & page]
Bennett, Isaac, Middleborough. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Abishai Tinkham's co., Col. Sprout's (4th) regt., dated Feb. 19, 1778; residence, Middleborough; enlisted for town of Middleborough; joined Capt. Benson's co., Col. Putnam's regt.; enlistment, 3 years or during war; also, list of men mustered in Plymouth Co. by James Hatch, Muster Master; Capt. Benson's co.; age, 41 yrs.; also, Capt. Joshua Benson's co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) regt.; muster return dated Albany, Feb., 1778; also, Corporal, Major's co., Col. Putnam's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to March 3, 1780.
[Also, same volume & page]
Bennett, Isaac, Pelham.Private, Capt. David Cowden's co., Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 11 days; also, receipt for advance pay dated Cambridge, June 26, 1775; also, muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 1, 1775; service, 3 mos. 8 days; also, Corporal, Capt. Daniel Shays's co., Col. Rufus Putnam's regt.; muster return dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; residence, Pelham; enlisted for town of Pelham; mustered by Col. Woodbridge; also, Private, Capt. Benson's co., Col. Putnam's (5th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to May 14, 1780; enlistment, 3 years; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Pelham for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched June 25, 1780; discharged Dec. 25, 1780; service, 6 mos. 8 days.

Source: United States Senate. Report from the Secretary of War, in Obedience to Resolutions of the Senate of the 5th and 30th of June, 1834, and the 3d of March, 1835, In Relation to the Pension Establishment of the United States. [New York Section],
Washington, D.C.: Duff Green, 1835. [Pensioners of 1835]
Bennett, Isaac
Rank: Corporal
County: Montgomery
Annual Allowance: 96.00
Sums Received: $1393.13
Service: Massachusetts Line
Placed on the pension Roll: 27 March 1818
Commencement of pension: 18 June 1818
Remarks: Died 22 December 1832


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:36:45 PDT

Copyright © 2006: Joanne Murray / Lisa Slaski