1910 New York State Census
town of Benson, Hamilton County, NY

Generously transcribed and donated by Joanne Murray

1910 United States Federal Census
Benson, Hamilton County, New York
Census taken 25 to 30 April 1910
Enumerated by Wm. H. Cole
Supervisor’s District 9, Enumeration District 42

  1. Dwelling Number
  2. Family Number
  3. Name of each person whose place of abode on 15 April 1910 was with this family
  4. Relationship of this person to the head of the family
  5. Sex
  6. Color or Race
  7. Age at last birthday
  8. Whether Single, Married, Widowed or Divorced
  9. Number of years in present marriage
  10. Mother of how many children born?
  11. Number of children now living
  12. Place of birth of this person
  13. Place of birth of Father of this person
  14. Place of birth of Mother of this person
  15. Year of Immigration to the United States
  16. Whether Naturalized or Alien
  17. Whether able to speak English; or, if not, give language spoken
  18. Trade or profession of, or particular kind of work done by this person
  19. General nature of industry, business, or establishment in which this person works
  20. Whether is employer, employee, or working on own account
  21. Whether out of work on April 15, 1910
  22. Number of weeks out of work during year 1909
  23. Whether able to Read
  24. Whether able to Write
  25. Attended school any time since September 1, 1909
  26. Owned or Rented
  27. Owned Free or Mortgaged
  28. Farm or House
  29. Number of Farm Schedule
  30. Whether a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy
Page/Road           1   2  3                     4           5  6   7        8   9   10  11 12         13             14              15  16   17       18            19           20   21   22   23  24   25  26  27 28  29   30
pg. 305, sheet 4A   57  58 Cole       Wm. H.     Head        M  W   48      M 1  6          New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   M  F   51
25, 26 & 27 April                     Minnie H.  Wife        F  W   37      M 1  6   0   0  New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
River Road Benson   58  59 Sloan      Jane       Head        M  W   66      Wd              New York   Massachusetts  Massachusetts            English  Own Income                                yes yes      R      H
                    59  60 Sanborn    Arthur     Head        F  W   24 or   M 1  8          New York   Vermont        New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O      F   52
                                      Ellen      Wife        M  W   23      M 1  8   2   2  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Edward R.  Son         F  W   7        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                                      Anna J.    Daughter    M  W   1        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    60  61 Gifford    John L.    Head        M  W   73      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   53
                    61  62 Buyce      Horace     Head        M  W   43      M 1  23         New York   Michigan       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Emp            yes yes      O   F  F   54
                                      Ella       Wife        F  W   43      M 1  23  10  8  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Maggie     Daughter    F  W   21       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   shop         W    no   0    yes yes
                                      Fred       Son         M  W   20       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes  no
                                      Carrie     Daughter    F  W   18       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   shop         W    no   0    yes yes  no
                                      Martha     Daughter    F  W   15       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes  no
                                      Raymond    Son         M  W   13       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Helen      Daughter    F  W   8        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                                      Beatrice   Daughter    F  W   6        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                                      Hilda      Daughter    F  W   2        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    62  63 Hogan      Edward W.  Head        M  W   58      M 2  26         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Emp            yes yes          O  F   F      55
                                      Laura      Wife        F  W   49      M 1  26  2   2  New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                                      Ray        Son         M  W   19       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   12   yes yes  no
                                      Roy        Son         M  W   18       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Delbert    Nephew      M  W   36       D              New York   New York       New York                 English  Teamster      on road      W    no   0    yes yes
Benson Road         63  64 Call       John E.    Head        M  W   50      M 1  30         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      R      F   56
                                      Annie      Wife        F  W   47      M 2  30  8   7  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Sherman    Son         M  W   26       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   20   yes yes
                                      Frank      Son         M  W   21       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Mildred    Daughter    F  W   13       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                               yes
                                      Margaret   Daughter    F  W   12       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                               yes
                                      Edna       Daughter    F  W   2        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                           Hunter     Wm. O.     Boarder     M  W   68       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    yes  25   no  no
                    64  65 Ross       George Sr. Head        M  W   62      M 2  15         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        home farm    Oa             yes yes      R      F   57
                                      Hannah     Wife        F  W   40      M 2  14  4   3  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              no  no
                                      George Jr. Son         M  W   21       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   20   no  no
                                      Orilla (?) Daughter    F  W   14       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes      yes
                                      Minnie H.  Daughter    F  W   12       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes      yes
                                      Marie (?)  Daughter    F  W   3        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                           Quillan    Henry      Boarder     M  W   45      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   20   yes yes
                    65  66 Quillan    Oscar      Head        M  W   41      M 1  19         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   58
                                      Cora       Wife        F  W   38      M 1  19  1   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Lillian    Daughter    F  W   22       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                    66  67 Darling    George     Head        M  W   42      M 1  25         New York   Pennsylvania   New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   59
                                      Cora       Wife        F  W   38      M 1  19  1   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      William    Son         M  W   22       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   20   yes yes
                    67  68 Quillan    Thomas     Head        M  W   63      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Own Income                                yes yes      O   F  H
                    68  69 Snell      Herbert    Head        M  W   55      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Emp            yes yes      O   F  F   60
                                      Christine  Daughter    F  W   34       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W    no   0    yes yes
                                      Lewis L.   Son         M  W   33       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W              yes yes
                                      Emmet      Adopted son M  W   16       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   20   yes yes  yes
                    69  70 Walker     Calvin E.  Head        M  W   51      M 1  27         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      R      F   61

sheet 4B                   Walker     Helen      Wife        F  W   43      M 1  27  0   0  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
27 & 28 April                         Joseph     Father      M  W   71      Wd              New York   England Eng.   New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   0    yes yes                      UA
Benson Road                Anibal     Lewis G. Father-in-law M  W   82      Wd              New York   New York       Vermont                  English  None                                      yes yes
                    70  71 Manzer     John       Head        M  W   66      M 1  41         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      R      F   62
                                      Jane       Wife        F  W   56      M 1  41  5   4  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Beatrice Granddaughter F  W   5        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               no
                    71  72 Sloan      Loren W.   Head        M  W   76      M 1  54         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   63
                                      Maria      Wife        F  W   70      M 1  54  0   0  New York   Vermont        Vermont                  English  None                                      yes yes
                    72  73 Manzer     Forest     Head        M  W   30      M 2  8/12       New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   M  F   64
                                      Calta (?)  Wife        F  W   20      M 1  8/121   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                    73  74 Quillan    Frank      Head        M  W   27      M 1  5          New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm W              yes yes      R      H
                                      Bertha     Wife        F  W   26      M 1  5   1   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Leona      Daughter    F  W   3        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    74  75 Smith      E. L.      Head        M  W   58      M 1  31         New York   Massachusetts  New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   M  F   65
                                      Rose       Wife        F  W   50      M 1  31  4   3  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Benjamin   Son         M  W   29       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   18   yes yes
                    75  76 Smith      Edward     Head        M  W   34      M 1  10         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   66
                                      Dora       Wife        F  W   28      M 1  10  2   2  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Lillian    Daughter    F  W   9        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                                      Edward     Son         M  W   8        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                    76  77 Rud        James      Head        M  W   61      M 1  38         New York   England Eng.   Ireland Irish            English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   67
                                      Maria      Wife        F  W   58      M 1  38  1   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                                      Alfred     Son         M  W   25      M 1  7          New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes
                                      Lizzie Daughter-in-law F  W   28      M 1  7          New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                                      Leland     Grand son   M  W   8/12     S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    77  78 Corribal (?Charles W. Head        M  W   59      M 1  21         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   68
                                      Julia      Wife        F  W   68      M 1  21  0   0  New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                    78  79 Davenport  Maud       Head        F  W   47      M 1  25  8   6  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes      R      F   69
                                      Rein (?)   Son         M  W   18       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes  no
                                      Julie      Daughter    F  W   12       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Carrie     Daughter    F  W   9        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                    79  80 Canfield   David      Head        M  W   73      M 1  44         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   70   UA
                                      Matilda    Wife        F  W   63      M 1  44  10  7  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Carrie     Daughter    F  W   14       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes  yes
                                      Clifton    Grand son   M  W   3        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    80  81 Hunter     John       Head        M  W   36      M 1  4          New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      R      F   71
                                      Eva        Wife        F  W   23      M 1  4   5   3  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Violet     Daughter    F  W   5        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                                      Dortha     Daughter    F  W   3        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                                      Alva       Son         M  W   1        S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None
                    81  82 Hunter     Charles    Head        M  W   64      M 1  38         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   72
                                      Mary       Wife        F  W   56      M 1  38  7   5  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Elmer      Son         M  W   34       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  working out  W    no   12   yes yes
                                      Martha     Daughter    F  W   19       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   in shop      W    no   10   yes yes  yes
                                      Lena       Daughter    F  W   16       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                    82  83 Reynolds   Stephen    Head        M  W   58      M 1  25         New York   Connecticut    New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   73
                                      Mary       Wife        F  W   58      M 1  25  0   0  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                    83  84 Quillan    William    Head        M  W   39      M 1  14         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   74
                                      Laura      Wife        F  W   29      M 1  14  2   2  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Georgia    Daughter    F  W   11       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes

pg. 306, sheet 5A          Quillan    Etta May   Daughter    F  W   3        S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None
28, 29 & 30 April   84  85 Parmenter  Daniel     Head        M  W   44      M 1  20         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O      F   75
Benson Road                           Mary       Wife        F  W   37      M 1  20  4   4  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home                     yes yes
                                      Howard     Son         M  W   19       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes  no
                                      Mabel      Daughter    F  W   15       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Hazel      Daughter    F  W   12       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Mildred    Daughter    F  W   8        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                                      Charlie    Brother     M  W   42       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes
                                      Delia      Mother      F  W   70      Wd       3   3  New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                    85  86 Hunter     Albert     Head        M  W   31       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   76
                                      Sally      Mother      F  W   61      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                    86  87 Politsch   George     Head        M  W   51      M 1  24         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   M  F   77
                                      Ophelia    Wife        F  W   48      M 1  24  0   0  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Lydia      Daughter    F  W   13       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                    87  88 Eglin      Wm. T.     Head        M  W   73      M 3  18         New York   New York       Vermont                  English  Farmer        General Farm Emp            yes yes      O   M  F   78
                                      Louise (N?) Wife       F  W   50      M 1  18  6   4  New York   New York       Pennsylvania             English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Emmet      Son         M  W   15       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes  yes
                                      Edna       Daughter    F  W   14       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                           Fyrrel     Herman     Nephew      M  W   5        S              New York   New York       New York                          None
                    88  89 Graydon    Mary J.    Head        F  W   70      Wd       0   0  New York   New York       Vermont                  English  Own Income                                yes yes      R      H
                    89  90 Borez      William    Head        M  W   60      Wd              Scotland   England Eng.   Scotland        1889 al  English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   79
                    90  91 Washburn   Wm. E.     Head        M  W   47      M 1  26         New York   Ireland Irish  Ireland Irish            English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   M  F   80
                                      Julia F.   Wife        F  W   50      M 1  26  6   6  New York   Ireland Irish  Ireland Irish            English  None                                      yes yes
                                      Robert E.  Son         M  W   24       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Surgeon       Vetrinary    Oa             yes yes
                                      Mary C.    Daughter    F  W   22       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Leo M.     Son         M  W   18       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Cutter  shop         W    no   0    yes yes  no
                                      Julia M.   Daughter    F  W   15       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes  no
                                      Bernie O.  Son         M  W   11       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Beatrice F.Daughter    F  W   7        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                    91  92 Johnston   Robert E.  Head        M  W   67      M 1  42         New York   Scotland Eng.  Scotland English         English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   81   UA
                                      Eda M.     Wife        F  W   62      M 1  42  1   0  New York   Germany German Germany German           English  None                                      yes yes
                           Leslie     Clarence   Grand son   M  W   13       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                                      Ruth E.  Granddaughter F  W   7        S              New York   New York       New York                          None                                               yes
                           Johnston   Joseph C.  Nephew      M  W   32       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  School Teacher             W    no   20   yes yes
River Road          92  93 Brownell   David R.   Head        M  W   38      M 1  11         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      O   F  F   82
                                      Cora       Wife        F  W   35      M 1  11  1   1  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                           Anslow     Cora M.  Granddaughter F  W   15       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes
                    93  94 Blowers    Nathaniel  Head        M  W   54      M 1  38         New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Emp            yes yes      O   F  F   83
                                      Carrie     Wife        F  W   50      M 1  38  3   2  New York   New York       New York                 English  Glove Maker   at home      W              yes yes
                                      Loren      Son         M  W   30       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farm laborer  home farm    W    no   0    yes yes
                                      Grant      Nephew      M  W   12       S              New York   New York       New York                 English  None                                      yes yes  yes
                    94  95 Wadsworth  John       Head        M  W   46      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Farmer        General Farm Oa             yes yes      R      F   84
                                      Daniel     Father      M  W   76      Wd              New York   New York       New York                 English  Guide        For Sportsmen W    yes  20(?)yes yes


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:22:30 PDT
Copyright © 2008:  Joanne Murray