1905 NYS Census
Town of Morehouse

    This census was transcribed from the original handwritten record.  Due to the difficulty of reading old style, handwritten records you should consult the original records for the best accurate reading.

    New York State performed their own census typically on the 5th year of each decade, starting in 1825 (no 1885 census for the entire state and in the 1890s it was performed in 1892).  However, not all census records exist for all counties.  For Hamilton county, I have so far only seen references to the 1892, 1905, 1915 and 1925 census records.

    This 1905 census lists the names of all members of each household for the inhabitants living in Morehouse on 1 June.  Martin Boh was the enumerator.

      1. Surname
      2. First Name
      3. Relation
      4. Color
      5. Sex
      6. Age
      7. Country of Birth
      8. Number of years in the U.S.
      9. Citizen or Alien
      10. Occupation, trade, profession or kind of work done by each person
      11. Class;  W: working; OA: working out of the area; X: not employed; EMP: employer
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:22:39 PDT
Copyright © 2000:  Transcribed Elaine_Scantlebury