1870 Federal Census
Town of Indian Lake
Part 1

Generously transcribed and donated by Joanne Murray - Thank You!

Enumerated 30 June to 1 July 1870 by Adolphe Raux

  1. Sheet
  2. Page Number
  3. Dwelling number
  4. Family number
  5. Last name
  6. First name
  7. Age
  8. Sex
  9. Color
  10. Occupation
  11. Value of Real Estate owned
  12. Value of Personal Estate owned
  13. Place of birth
  14. Father foreign born
  15. Mother foreign born
  16. Month born within the year
  17. Month married within the year
  18. In school within the year
  19. Cannot read
  20. Cannot write
  21. Deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
  22. Males eligible to vote
  23. Males not eligible to vote
  24. Notes

As always, please refer to the originals for the best accuracy!

Continue on to part 2

1425  BurchRichard28MWLaborer  NY        1  
    GordonJohn35MW""  Irland [sic]11      1  
    MitchellJames25MW""  Canada1        X 
    WilsonWilliam35MW""  ""1        X 
    McGuireJohn32MW""  Irland [sic]11      1X 
    WilsonAnson43MWFarmer500 Vermont           
  11WalkerEliza49FWHouse Keeping  ""        1  
  22BrownJ. P.44MWFarmer  NY           
     Sarah L.43FWKeeping House  ""           
     Harry J.19MWFarming  ""           
     Leonard17MW   ""           
     Sarah A.17FW   ""           
     Frederick16MW   ""           
     William13MW   ""           
     Harriet11FW   ""           
     Jany9FW   ""           
     Gussy9MW   ""           
     Herty7FW   ""           
     Edwing5MW   ""           
  33BellJames22MWFarmer300100""        1  
     Harrieta18FWKeeping House  ""           
  44CowlesO. S.25MWFarmer300100""        1  
     Eliza23FW   ""           
    MillimanAnna13FW   ""    1      
  55LovejoyJohn M.33MWFarmer  Canada        1  
     Mary S.21FWKeeping House  NY1          
     Mary M.2FW   ""1 Jan        
     George W.5/12MW   ""           
  66BrookJohn53MWFarmer500150""        1  
     Lucindy54FWKeeping House  ""           
     Haddy20FW   ""           
    HarrisTruman7MW   ""           
  77JacksonR. B.43MWFarmer7000500""        1  
     Emmy Jane37FWKeeping House  ""           
     Jenny O.14FW   ""    1      
     Eugene10MW   ""    1      
    EdwardJohn25MWFarm Laborer  ""        1  
    PickJohn B.34MW""  ""        1  
    McBrownJohn45MWCarpenter 100Vermont        1  
    SmithLonndy25FWTeaching School  NY           

2 88Forbs [?]Dawst [?] B.53MWFarmer2500200NY        1  
     Elisabeth50FWKeeping House  ""           
   9 James O.26MWFarmer  ""        1  
     Olive V.24FWKeeping House  ""           
     Urwin E.3MW   ""           
     Louny An1FW   ""           
  910GilsonNathaniel54MWFarmer1600100Vermont        1  
     Eliza51FWKeeping House  NY           
     Charles26MWFarm Laborer  ""        1  
     Hellen19FW   ""           
     Orvill11MW   ""           
  1011WilsonAnson48MWFarmer50050Vermont        1  
     Claricy59FW   ""           
     Marion W.6MW   NY           
  1112PhinyIsaac58MWFarmer800100""        1  
     Lisindy49FWKeeping House  ""           
     Margarete12FW   ""           
     Chency10MW   ""           
     David J.3MW   ""           
  1213BrookGeorge23MWFarming  ""        1  
     Harry20MW""  ""           
  1314GriffingGeorge48MWFarmer10001000""        1  
     Lucy47FWKeeping House  ""           
     Charles J.25MWLumbering  ""        1  
     Sopony21FW   ""           
     George H.19MW   ""           
     Mary17FW   ""           
     Charlot C.16FW   ""    1      
     Emmy14FW   ""    1      
     Clary F.9FW   ""    1      
     Ellisy7FW   ""    1      
  1415PalmesSebastion36MWFarmer500200""    1   1  
     Mary36FWKeeping House  Canada           
     Elacture13MW   NY 1         
     Corry9FW   "" 1         
     Hariette6FW   "" 1         
  1516SmithWarren34MWFarmer1000300""        1  
     Nancy33FWKeeping House  ""           
     Charles W.16MW   ""    1      
     Ada W.10FW   ""    1      

34261617ArbucklerWilliam54MWFarmer300100Vermont        1  
     Berosah54FWKeeping House  ""           
     Milo H.20MWFarm Laborer  NY           
  1718HowgoodAnson50MWFarmer600200NY        1  
     Sainty An45FWKeeping House  ""           
     Levi20MWFarm Laborer  ""           
     Eugene18MW""  ""    1      
     Warren16MW""  ""    1      
     Melvina14FW   ""    1      
     Edmege12FW   ""    1      
     Elma6FW   ""    1      
     George H.4MW   ""           
  1819""Peter""""Hunt""47MWFarmer30050""        1  
     Milesey45FWKeeping House  ""           
     Lucy18FW   ""           
     Olive15FW   ""           
     Charles13MW   ""           
     Emma11FW   ""           
  1920PorterChester P.45MWFarmer600100Vermont        1  
     Marica An40FWKeeping House  Vermont           
     Elmer8MW   NY    1      
     Warren6MW   ""    1      
     Arthur Grant4MW   ""           
     Asa E.2MW   ""           
    Hutching [see note]Henry18MW   ""          ""Hutching"" was written and then crossed out
     Walter T.17MW   ""           
     Carlos D.15MW   ""           
     Martha11FW   ""           
  2021BrooksJoel28MWFarmer300 ""        1  
     Hellen20FWKeeping House  ""           
     William4MW   ""           
     Frankling2MW   ""           
     Thomas6/12MW   ""  Dec        
   22PaneWilliam25MWFarmer300 England11      1  
     Sarah25FWKeeping House  NY           
     Walter E.9MW   ""1   1      
     George4MW   ""1   1      
     Mary2FW   ""1          
  2123EldrichJohn B.52MWFarmer7000400""        1  
     Rockey53FWKeeping House  ""           

Continue on to part 2


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:25:57 PDT
Copyright © 2005:  Joanne Murray