1860 Federal Census
Town of Benson

Generously transcribed and donated by Joanne Murray - Thank You!

Enumerated 28 Aug. – 1 Sept. 1860 by S.L. Anibal

  1. Dwelling number
  2. Family number
  3. Last name
  4. First name
  5. Age
  6. Sex
  7. Color
  8. Occupation
  9. Value of Real Estate owned
  10. Value of Personal Estate owned
  11. Place of birth
  12. Married within the year
  13. In school within the year
  14. Persons over 20 unable to read & write
  15. Deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
  16. Notes

As always, please refer to the originals for the best accuracy!

Go To:   Pages 70-71 Pages 72-73 Pages 74-75 Pages 76-77 Pages 78-79

Page 70
529501AnibalSamuel L.34M Farmer67001735NY     
   Emeline32F    NY     
   Milicent10F    NY     
   Levi S.8M    NY     
   Juliett2F    NY     
530502AnibalErastus C.35M Farmer1000452NY     
   Lucy B.31F    NY     
   Nelson6M    NY 1   
   Philo2M    NY     
531503HopkinsSilas54M Farmer150100NY     
   Rodanah51F    NY     
   Silas, Jr.21M    NY     
   Helen16F    NY 1   
   Abigail13F    NY 1   
  CopelandDavid A.26M    NY     
532504AnibalCyrus B.25M  500500NY     
   Frances21F    NY     
   Cora V.8F    NY     
  SweetOscar10M    NY     
533505SweetJoel44M Farmer200125NY     
   Ann44F    NY     
   Chloe E.23F    NY     
   Robert19M    NY     
   Henry15M    NY 1   
   Richard8M    NY 1   
   Alimta[?]5F    NY 1   
   Mills7M    NY     
534506HunterApolos47M Farmer20001400NY     
   Martha41F    NY     
   John W.19M    NY     
   William H.17M    NY 1   
   Charles15M    NY 1   
   Matilda13F    NY 1   
   Mary8F    NY 1   
   George6M    NY 1   
   Angeline4F    NY     
   Ellen1F    NY     
535507Polish [see note]Lodiski32M Farmer700100Hessian Ger.    I believe this should be ""Politsch"". See Upper Benson Cemetery: Politsch, Ludwig (1828 -1906), wife Elizabeth (1830-1906)
   Elizabeth30F    Hessian Ger.     
   George2M    NY     

Page 71
   Henry8M    Hessian Ger. 1   
   Lewis5M    NY 1   
536508AnibalWilliam W.27M Farmer500175NY     
   Jane A.21F    Mass.     
   Camelia A.1F    NY     
537509ExfordCharles25M Farm Laborer  NY     
  WrightWillard D.22M Farm Laborer  NY     
   Ruben19M Farm Laborer  NY     
538510CroutorOrlando52M Farmer1000700NY     
   Alice51F    NY     
   Edward16M    NY 1   
   Matthew19M    NY 1   
   Almon8M    NY 1   
   Susanah13F    NY     
  JonesDavid R.2M    NY     
  Huriak [?]William76M    Conn.     
  SquireSalmon78M    Mass.     
539511VanderpoolHenry [?]39M Farmer600200NY     
   Elizabeth35F    NY     
   Mary J.7F    NY 1   
   William H.4M    NY 1   
   John2M    NY     
540512WashburnEliphalet60M Farmer20001095Mass.     
   Catharine31F    Mass.     
   Colin20M    Mass.     
  KimbleAnn32F    Ireland     
  StreeterOwen44M    Ireland     
  BrownEmeline19F    NY     
541513HallKing H.47M  35001625NY     
   Adelia C.52F    NY     
   William A.22M    NY 1   
   Harriett E.15F    NY 1   
   Emily G.13F    NY 1   
   Philo O.10""F""    NY 1   
  WashburnNelson9M    NY   Pauper 
  KelloggWilliam50M    NY     
  Rhehet [?]Henry59M    Germany     
542514WashburnRuel [?]28M Farmer400380NY     
   Louilla26F    NY     
   Edwin2M    NY     
Go To:   Pages 70-71 Pages 72-73 Pages 74-75 Pages 76-77 Pages 78-79


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:26:39 PDT
Copyright © 2004:  Joanne Murray