Transcribed and Donated by Joanne Murray
Lake Placid News
Friday 19 June 1914Popular Hotel Man Passed Away
Michael Cronin, well-known here, died after twenty-five years of ailment
Michael F. Cronin of Aiden Lair, formerly a well known and prominent hotel proprietor, died at the St. Lawrence Hospital, Ogdensburg, several days ago. Mr. Cronin had been ailing with rheumatism for the past twenty-five years, and he was taken to the St. Lawrence Hospital April last, after having spent some time in a Saratoga Sanitarium.
Mr. Cronin was born in Glens Falls fifty years ago, and received his education in the public schools of that place and at the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. Following his graduation he studied law in the office of the late Judge Rosencrans. He was advised by his physician, about twenty years ago, to go into the north woods, having been afflicted with rheumatism, and as a result settled at Aiden Lair, where he later engaged in the hotel business, as proprietor of Aiden Lair Lodge, which was recently destroyed by fire.
At the time of President McKinley's assassination, while Theodore Roosevelt was hunting in the woods, Mr. Cronin formed a close acquaintance with the ex-president, when he drove him from Aiden Lair to North Creek, making the trip in record time, and the friendship has still continued.
Mr. Cronin leaves a widow, one son, Arthur Cronin; eight daughters, Mrs. Catherine Rice of Long Lake, Rose, Ada, Teresa, Theodore, Elizabeth, Helen and Eloise, of Aiden Lair; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Ayott of Brooklyn, and four brothers, Martin, Thomas, Frank and Daniel, of Pittsfield, Mass.
Lake Placid News
Friday [8 ?] October 1915Was Well Known Here
Charles H. Bennett, the proprietor of the Antlers, Raquette Lake, who died at the Antlers last week, following an illness of about one month, ranked with the best in the Adirondack Mountains. Beginning as a hunter for market and as a guide, he ascended the ladder and by his own efforts became widely known and very successful.
Lake Placid News
Friday 14 January 1916, pg. 1Estate of Adirondack Hotel Proprietor
Edward Bennett and his five children, who reside in Glenns Falls, will receive about $30,000 from the estate of Mr. Bennett's late brother, Charles H. Bennett of Raquette Lake, whose will, made in 1907, did not mention Edward Bennett nor his children. A compromise was effected by Edward Bennett with Miss Margarett Bennett, a half-sister of the deceased, who received the bulk of the estate valued at $400,000.
Lake Placid News
Friday 21 January 1916Well Known Guide Dead
William Ballard died Monday Morning at his home at Raquette Lake. Mr. Ballard was born in Nova Scotia a little over sixty years ago, moving to Saranac Lake when six years of age, and had spent all the remaining years of his life in the Adirondacks as a trapper and guide. He was familiarly known as "Bill" Ballard and was considered one of the best posted guides in the Adirondack country. He is survived by a wife and three children.
Alec White, 43 years old, a guide for the Adirondack League Club at Little Moose Lake, was shot and killed Monday morning by Walter D. Gelshenen of Manhasset, L. I. William Lawson of New York City and Gelshenen, with White and another guide were on a hunting trip near the Lake when the accident occurred, Geleshenen saying he mistook White for a deer.
Lake Placid News
Friday 18 August 1922, pg. 10Pioneer Adirondacker Dies at Raquette Lake
A man who is believed by many to have been the oldest resident of the Adirondacks passed away recently when Thomas Callahan, ninety-seven, Eastern Adirondack pioneer, the oldest resident of Warren County, died August 5th. He had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Collins of Raquette Lake, and died at her home.
He was born in County Kerry, Ireland in 1825, coming to America in 1850. His first venture was at Harper's Ferry, W. Va. After leaving there he worked in various sections of New York and New England until in 1854 he settled in Chestertown and became interested in finishing and manufacturing leather. This work he carried in for several years until the larger interests forced the discontinuance of the work. After this he started farming in Chestertown, carrying on this work for several years until he was forced to retire on account of his health.
Lake Placid News
Friday 24 November 1922, pg. 16Find the Bones of a Hunter Disappearing Six Years Ago
A short time ago a deer hunter was cautiously pushing his way through a thicket within a few miles of Lake Piseco. Something cracked beneath his foot. Parting the dead ferns with the stock of his rifle he was startled to find portions of a human skeleton. Lying near was a rusty rifle, gold watch, now green with mold, hunting knife, field glasses, compass and other metal articles. Of clothing there was no trace.
Daughters of Carlton Baker of Gloversville, Division Superintendent of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad, identified these articles as having belonged to their father, who disappeared while on a lone hunting trip in this section six years ago.
There was never any question of foul play and coroner J. D. Head of Wells made the best investigation he could under the circumstances. Baker may have died of exhaustion and starvation, from a wound suffered when his own rifle was accidentally discharged ore cerebral hemorrhage; the coroner being inclined to the latter. There is also the faint chance that he was shot by another hunter in mistake for a deer, who finding his victim dead hastened from the scene and kept silent.
The whole sad affair, says Adirondack Enterprise, goes to prove that it is possible for one to become lost in the Adirondack wilds even at this late date and disappear as completely as though they were hidden by tropic jungle or the great forests of Canada.
Lake Placid News
Friday 5 December 1924, pg. 6Adirondack Hotel Man Dies at Utica Hospital
Richard V. Bennett, a well known hotel keeper of Raquette Lake, died in a Utica hospital Friday night after a brief illness.
He was born in New York February 23, 1875 and for the last 30 years had been proprietor of Sunset Camp, a popular resort in the Adirondacks. He was a member of the Catholic Church at Saranac Lake and was well known throughout the Adirondacks.
Mr. Bennett married Miss Elizabeth Thornton, New York, who survives with two children, Mrs. Morris Jones [of] Raquette Lake, and Edward Bennett [of] Syracuse; and two brothers, John [of] Chicago, and Frank [of] Toledo; and two sisters, Miss Margarett Bennett [of] New York and Miss Catherine Bennett [of] Chicago.
Lake Placid News
Friday 9 April 1926, pg. 9Aged Guide Found Frozen to Death in Camp
The body of Gilbert "Gill" Selleck, aged guide, who was well known to lovers of the Adirondacks, was found in his lonely shack in the wilderness between Lake Pleasant and Ormsby Pond, about twelve miles north of Gleason's Mills, by employees of the Emporium Lumber Company. It is thought that Selleck was apparently frozen to death about three weeks ago.
From signs in the deserted shack it was evident that the old guide had tried his best to feed himself and keep the spark of life burning until death overtook him. He had been in poor health since last fall.
Lake Placid News
Friday 7 January 1927, pg. 5John Trudeau
John Trudeau of Long Lake died at the Albany Hospital Monday evening. He was the son of Mrs. Mary Trudeau of Saranac Avenue, and a nephew of James and John Shea of Lake Placid.
Some years ago Mr. Trudeau made his home in Lake Placid.
Burial was Thursday at Long Lake. He is survived by his wife and mother.
Lake Placid News
Friday 5 February 1932, pg. 5In Memoriam -
A solemn high mass was said at Saint Henry's Church at Long Lake, NY on Tuesday, January 26th for John Max Trudo on the anniversary of his death. Gone but not forgotten.
[Additional note: Listing in the Long Lake Cemetery, on this site -
Trudo, John M., 1880 - 1927; Trudo, Eva M. (Rowe) 1887 - 1955, wife of John]
Lake Placid News
Friday 15 April 1927, pg. 8Raquette Lake Couple Drown When Ice Breaks
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huli [or Hull], caretakers on the estate of William C. Whitney, were drowned in Raquette Lake last Saturday when they were walking on the ice and it broke beneath them, plunging them into the icy water some distance from shore.
They were familiar with the lake and must have been unaware that the ice was so thin as not to bear their weight.
Lake Placid News
Friday 5 Sept 1930; pg. 5Donnelly - Flynn
Miss Theresa Flynn and Edward C. Donnelly, both of Long Lake, were united in marriage at St. Agnes Church Thursday evening, August 28, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Daniel E. Cahill, Pastor of the Church.
Attendants were the brother of the groom, Peter Donnelly of this village, and Mrs. Donnelly. Following the Church ceremony, a wedding supper was served by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donnelly at their home, 345 Main Street, this village, to close friends and relatives of the bride and groom.
Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly are enjoying a wedding trip to various Canadian points. They will be at home at Long Lake after September 15.
Lake Placid News
Friday 10 April 1931; pg. 5Miss Mildred Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Pierce, of Lake Placid, and O. James Patrick, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. James Patrick of Utica were married at Inlet, NY on Thursday of last week. Rev. George R. J. Coombs of the Church of the Lakes performed the ceremony at the rectory.
The bride was graduated from Lake Placid high school in 1923. In 1926 she finished a special music course at Potsdam Normal, later taking a course on Kindergarten at the same school from which she graduated in 1930. For the past year she has been a teacher in the town of Webb school at Old Forge.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick have been spending a week at the home Mrs. Patrick's parents in Lake Placid. They left yesterday for Old Forge where they will make their home.
Lake Placid News
Friday 24 July 1914, pg. 6Keene -
Wallace Kilburn of Morehouseville has been a recent guest of his sister, Mrs. S. Havens.
Lake Placid News
Friday 1916The family of John Rank, conductor on the Raquette Lake Railway, had a narrow escape from death by fire the other day. Mrs. Rank was aroused by crackling flames and waked her husband, three children, and sister just in time to get them out of the house, which was totally destroyed.
Lake Placid News
Friday 25 February 1916, pg. 5Adirondack Jottings -
Perry Page of Lake Pleasant has paid a $50 fine to a Justice of the Peace at that place as a penalty for having a deer in his possession out of season.
Lake Placid News
Friday 3 January 1919News from the Service:
...Private Henry W. Stanton, Blue Mountain Lake, wounded slightly
Lake Placid News
Friday 15 September 1922, pg. 3Recent arrivals at the Grand View Hotel... Mr. and Mrs. E. Falk and M. Goldstein of Long Lake.
Lake Placid News
Friday 2 November 1923, pg. 4Former United States Senator, Frank B. Kellogg, whose appointment as Ambassador to Great Britain to succeed Colonel George Harvey, has caused much stir and comment in Washington, D.C., was born at or near Long Lake, in Hamilton County, his father having emigrated from Elizabethtown many years ago.
Lake Placid News
Friday 16 May 1924, pg. 6Long Lake Supervisor Attempts His Own Life
L. L. Jennings, 51 years old, was brought to the Mercy General Hospital at Tupper Lake from his home at Long Lake with gashes on either side of his neck. He had been ill for several months with diabetes. While suffering from temporary mental aberration due to his weakened physical condition, he attempted to cut his own throat with a razor that he used to shave himself. The cuts were not deep enough to be dangerous.
Lake Placid News
Friday 14 August 1925, pg. 5Mrs. Joseph Brettauer and her guest, Mrs. Alfred Jaretzki, left for Blue Mountain Lake on Monday to spend a few days there with Mr. Alfred Jaretzki, Jr.
Lake Placid News
Friday 1 January 1926, pg. 2Taken in Buick With 12 Cases of Ale
On Tuesday morning, December 22, George W. Alger and his wife of Blue Mountain Lake were apprehended near North Hudson by Federal Agent E. E. Thwaites, Trooper Schermerhorn, and Under Sheriff Donovan of Essex County in a Buick touring car containing 12 cases of alleged ale.
The officers brought the couple to Plattsburg where they were taken before U. S. Commissioner Patterson. Upon arraignment both pleaded guilty to violation of the Federal Prohibition Act. In default of $2,000 bail each they were committed to the Clinton County Jail.
Lake Placid News
Friday 13 April 1926, pg. 5Miss Mary Beers of Raquette Lake was an Easter guest of her father and sister, Mrs. S. T. Ruck
Lake Placid News
Friday 22 July 1927, pg. 5Mrs. E. E. MacConnell and her daughter, Charlotte, are at Blue Mountain Lake for ten days with Mrs. MacConnell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cooper of Buffalo.
Lake Placid News
Friday 30 July 1926, pg. 12Daniel Lynn of Raquette Lake is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. John Clifford.
Lake Placid News
Friday 19 November 1926, pg. 5Haselton -
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Raquette Lake are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Courtney and family.
Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Courtney and family are spending a few days on their homestead while repairs are being made on their cottage at Wilmington.
Lake Placid News
Friday 4 November 1927, pg. 6Bloomingdale -
Miss Mildred Wilbur of Lake Pleasant has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Fletcher.
Lake Placid News
Friday 4 November 1927, pg. 6Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Ward and son, Carlton, of Lake Pleasant, spent a few days among their old friends here last week.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:14:20 PDT
Copyright © 2006: Joanne Murray
Copyright © 2006: Hamilton County, NYGenWeb