Reprinted with permission from the
Hamilton County News!
Transcribed by Annie Weaver
Note: These obits were reprinted in the newspaper in the 1970s and are taken from the later papers.
MAY 12, 1950:
Memorial services for Mrs. Elizabeth M. Abbott who died May 2 in Los Angeles will be held in Niccolls Memorial Church, Old Forge. Cremation was in Los Angeles and interment will be in Riverview Cemetery, Old Forge.
Mrs. Abbott lived here for many years before moving to the Niagara Frontier. She was a life member of the OES and Amaranth. Her husband, Harold J. Abbott, a past master of Old Forge Lodge, F & A. M., died in 1942.
Mrs. Abbott leaves a sister, Mrs. Sydna H. Hadcock, Los Angeles and two daughters, Mrs. Gerald L. Baldwin and Mrs. Rob Roy MacLeod, Grand Island, N. Y.MAY 26, 1950:
(Long Lake) Mr. And Mrs. Wales LaPell were called to Utica Friday because of the sudden death of their brother-in-law Clifford Clark who was well known here.MAY 19, 1950:
Dick Farrell was drowned Sunday afternoon when the boat he and Mike Hessney were fishing capsized in the Jessup River. Two fishermen saw the accident and rescued Mr. Hessney when he came up. The body of Mr. Farrell was not recovered until Monday morning.MAY 19, 1950:
Interment of the body of the late Mrs. Clara G. Merwin will be held at the Durant Cemetery. Rev. L. D. Keeler will officiate. Mrs. Merwin died Jan. 3, 1950 at Glens Falls.MARCH 31, 1950:
Mrs. Mabel M. Parsons, 72, Old Forge librarian for the past 32 years, died Mar. 25 at her home on Eagle Bay Road after a brief illness. Mrs. Parsons was stricken in the Strand Theatre last Sunday night and was attended by Dr. Eugene Retzbach and was taken to her home in the Old Forge Fire Department ambulance. Death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage.
Mabel M. Thomas was born in Wilmington, N. C., Mar. 18, 1878, a daughter of the late Stephen H. and Mary Jane Davy Thomas. Her marriage to Mr. Parsons took place in Atlanta, Ga. They came directly to Old Forge and built the home on Eagle Bay Road in which Mrs. Parsons died. It was one of the first homes built in Old Forge.
Mrs. Parsons attended Niccolls Memorial Church, Old Forge and was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary. She was a member of Old Forge Chapter, OES and the Christadelphian Church of God, Wilmington, N. C.
Surviving are 2 sons, Thomas W. Parsons, Old Forge, and Riley B. Parsons, Kamp Kilkare, Raquette Lake; two grandchildren, Lt. Donald Mather, Army Air Forces, and Frederick Parsons, Raquette Lake; 2 brothers, Charles H. Thomas and Jerome Thomas of Proctor, Montana; 2 sisters, Mrs. Leon Hoffman, Beaver, Wash. and Mrs. Bessie Walker of Proctor. Funeral services were held with Rev. Frank A. Reed, pastor of Niccolls Memorial Church, officiating.MARCH 31, 1950:
(Long Lake) Eva Snider was called to Malone this week on account of the death of her brother, James Snider, who was killed in an accident in Massena while enroute to Malone.MAY 19, 1950:
Alvero "Buster" Spring died May 9, 1950, after a long illness. Mr. Spring was 38 years old. He is survived by his widow and two children, his father and mother, Mr. And Mrs. Clyde Spring; two sisters, Margaret and Bernice; and two brothers, LeRoy and Theodore. Funeral services were held from the Catholic Church, the Rev. Hatch officiating. Interment was in Cedar River Cemetery.MAY 26, 1950:
Mrs. Howard Wells of Pottersville died at her home Thursday. She was 67 years old. She is survived by her husband and six children: Mrs. Henry Bodkin, South Glens Falls; Mrs. Seth Howe, Pottersville; Mrs. Gerald Juckett, Indian Lake; Mrs. Lester Pillatier, Igerna; Richard Wells, Pottersville; Howard Wells, Jr., Jacksonville, Florida; and seven grandchildren.
A prayer service was held at the house with services held at the Igerna Church. Rev. Russell Strickland officiated and interment was made at the Pottersville cemetery. The Order of the Eastern Star held services.MARCH 31, 1950:
Philo C. Wood, 87, died March 24, 1950 in a Utica Hospital, after a long illness. Mr. Wood was a pioneer hotel man in this area and a highly respected citizen.
Mr. Wood was born in Turin on September 1, 1862, a son of John and Evaline Clark Wood. He was educated in Turin. In 1882 he married Ellen Plummer. She died in 1894. In 1900 Mr. Wood married Elizabeth Wellington, who died in 1947.
Mr. Wood first came to this vicinity as manage of the Hotel Glenmore on Big Moose Lake. Later he went to the Forge House in Old Forge. He purchased the Hess Camp, at the head of Fourth Lake, Inlet, in 1908. Remodeling and adding to the camp, he named it the Wood Hotel. Mr. Wood operated the Hotel until four years ago, when he sold it to William Dunay, and retired from active hotel business.
Philo Wood was a member of the Church of the Lakes, Inlet; a charter member of Northwoods Lodge, F. & A. M. and a Mason for 52 years, having been presented with the 50 Year Medal in 1947, at which time Floyd Puffer delivered the presentation speech, speaking eloquently of Mr. Wood's life. He was Chairman of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Inlet, and a member of Inlet Fire Department since its organization.
Surviving are a son, Philo C. Jr., Inlet; 3 daughters, Mrs. Emmett C. Roberts, Utica; Mrs. Miles C. Markham, Binghamton; and Miss Marjorie Wood, Inlet; three granddaughters, seven grandsons, a niece and a nephew. Another daughter, Mrs. Madeline Hall, died in 1931.
Funeral services were held March 27 in Utica, with the Rev. Frank A. Reed officiating. The body was placed in the vault, awaiting burial in the family plot in the Constableville cemetery. Bearers were Gerald Kenwell, Frank Owens, Leon Burnap, Edmund Conant and William Patrick.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:14:33 PDT
Copyright © 1954 - 2008; Hamilton County News