Obituaries from the
"Hamilton County News"

Reprinted with permission from the
Hamilton County News!
Transcribed by Annie Weaver

Note: These obits were reprinted in the newspaper in the 1970s and are taken from the later papers.

May 16-31, 1909
On May 31, Washington Craig, 69, died at Wells after a long illness of kidney trouble. He was the son of Aaron Craig and Sarah Vanderhoof, both born in Wells. Mr. Craig had lived all his life in Wells and was highly regarded as a neighbor and friend. The funeral was held June 3 from the Wells Baptist Church. Besides his widow, four children survived him. Aaron Craig of Wells, Stephen and William Craig of Sabattis, and Mrs. Lucy Van Buren of Wells; also one brother, Charles Craig of Wells and one sister, Mrs. Nancy Premore of Madison, Wis.

May 16-31, 1909
On Thursday night, May 20, Myron C. Manzer, 89, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Reed in Benson. He was the son of Henry G, Manzer and Martha Sweet, both born in New York. He had resided in the town nearly his whole life and was one of the most respected men in the vicinity. He was survived by his daughter with whom he lived, another daughter, Mrs. Matilda Sweet of Gloversville and one son, Robert Manzer of Gifford Valley. The funeral was held at his late home by the Rev. Clarence Miller, pastor of the Methodist Church of Northville. Interment was at Gifford Valley beside his wife, who had died 13 years ago.

May 16-31, 1909
On May 28, a child of George H. Stanton died at Long Lake of pneumonia.

May 16-31, 1909
On May 29, John Wesley Taylor, 78, laborer, died at Wells. The deceased was a soldier in the Civil War. The funeral was held at the Wells Methodist Church with local veterans as bearers. Burial was at Wells. He is survived by one son, Halsey Taylor.

May 16-31, 1909
On Monday, May 17, Mrs. Peter (Ada) Weaver, 38, who had been ill for some time with appendicitis died at her home in Lake Pleasant. She was born at Lake Pleasant of Frank and Alwilda Nichols. The funeral was held Wednesday, the Rev. Frank officiating. Besides her husband, eight children survived her. Burial was at Lake Pleasant.


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:14:36 PDT
Copyright © 1954 - 2008; Hamilton County News