Thank you Jeanette Shiel, our neighboring
Fulton County, NYGenWeb site coordinator!
County Judge - Frank E. Tiffany, Inlet, Nov. 1925, six years
Surrogate - Frank E. Tiffany, Inlet, Nov. 1925, six years
County Sheriff - Milo Robinson, Long Lake, Nov. 1925, three years
County Clerk - William B. Ronald (*), Lake Pleasant - [*], three years
District Attorney - William McCrane, Indian Lake, Nov. 1926, three years
County Treasurer - John Ostrander, Lake Pleasant, Nov. 1927, three years
Superintendents of the Poor - (1)Lewis L. Snell, Benson, Nov. 1925, three years; (2)George Darling, Northville, Nov. 1927, three yearsCoroners - term, three years
(1) Joseph A. Head, Wells, Nov. 1925
(2) Reuben M. Mick, Raquette Lake, Nov. 1926
(3) Hubert F. Carroll, Indian Lake, Nov. 1926
(4) Addison McIntyre, Long Lake, Nov. 1927County Superintendent - Grover Wilson, Indian Lake
County Attorney - George N. Ostrander, Albany, appointed
Chairman of Supervisors - Lewis L. Jennings, Long Lake
Clerk of Supervisors - Thomas J. Hanley, Wells* Note for William Ronald - Appointed January 1, 1928, to succeed John Ostrander, resigned.
Political Committees, 1928
Republican County Chairman - Henry D. Kellogg, Long Lake
Democratic County Chairman - D. B. Moynehan, Long Lake
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:37:23 PDT
Copyright © 2000: Jeanette Shiel