The following are articles from selected dates found in The Boonville Herald, Boonville, Oneida county, NY, that pertain to Morehouseville residents.
17 Apr 1890
Morehouseville, April 16 - John Koch has purchased some land of Theodore Hart and is about to erect a dwelling house and store.
Michael Kreuzer has been very sick with Gastric fever but is now improving.
A large circle of relatives and friends are mourning the death of Miss Rebecca Hart, who died in Russia at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Alvah Park, on the 25th of March, 1890. She was born in London, Eng., in the year 1817, and came to America, together with her father and brother, in 1835. After living in New York for a few years, they settled in the town of Morehouse, in which place she resided continuously for many years. During, those years of toil and privation incident to a newly settled country, she found time to form many ties of friendship which have lasted up to the day of her death. She was a gentle and gracious lady, and those who came in contact with her were always delighted with the charming manner she possessed. Miss Hart became interested in religion early in life and became a member of the Baptist church when a young woman and remained through life a consistent christian. She possessed a remarkably joyous disposition and always seemed to see the bright and good side of human nature. Among those who feel her loss most deeply are the children of her brother, William, a family of sturdy sons and daughters whom she aided in bringing up, and they feel that they have suffered a loss which can never be replaced on earth. Only a few years ago they were called to mourn the death of their beloved mother. The only one now left of the original Hart family is William. He has always resided in this town, with the exception of twelve years spent in Marcy. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing family. The remains of Miss Hart were brought to Morehouse and buried in the family burying ground. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. F. Clark of Ohio, and assisted by Elder Lanning of Russia.
24 Apr 1890
Morehouseville, April 23 - Mr. Dillon of Utica is boarding at the Central hotel.
Mrs. Gideon Rickard is on the sick list. Dr. Morey of Grant attends her.
Mrs. M. Boh has gone for a two weeks visit to her son's in Orleans Corners, Jefferson county.
The roads have been almost impassable but have improved very much during the past week.
22 May 1890
Morehouseville, May 21 - William Hart has gone to visit his daughter, Mrs. Alvah Park, who resides in Russia, N.Y.
M. Boh is repairing and improving his house.
Giles Becraft, the popular guide, has gone to Jock's Lake to be with A. D. Barber for this season.
Michael Kreuzer is still on the sick list and he does not improve as fast as his many friends wish him to.
3 Jul 1890
Morehouseville, July 2 - John Koch, who is now established in his new store, indtends to serve ice cream to his many patrons July 4.
C. Weiss of Utica is enjoying his vacation at the Hoffmeister house.
Charlie Kassing is still sick and under the care of Doctor Vrooman of Norway.
A handsome and commodious veranda has been added to Matteson's Mountain House.
Lawrence Ebdee[?] claims to own the oldest working horse in this town. The animal has been doing good service for upwards of 30 years.
Last week Christian Erb surprised his friends by marrying a young lady from Brooklyn who was up here on a visit to his aunt. The lady who was fortunate as to capture the heart of our Christ is to be congratulated as he is a very popular young man and is liked by every one. A happy and prosperous journey through life is wished them by the whole community.
31 Jul 1890
Morehouseville, July 23 - Mrs. Carrie Kreuzer is on the sick list. Dr. Longshore of Cold Brook attends her.
At last accounts Charlie Kassing was slowly improving under the care of Dr. Booth of Utica.
The many friends of Mr. And Mrs. Stimson were pleased to see them for a few days last week.
Mrs. J. V. Smith, three daughters and maid, all of New York city, are in town for a few months.
Mrs. Edward Deering and two children accompanied by Mrs. Sullivan and her two children, all of New York city, are occupying the Jacobs house through the summer months.
Jane Becraft of Herkimer is visiting her relatives in this place.
Messrs. Howe and Marsh have organized two Sunday schools in this place. There will be Sunday school every Sunday at the school house in district No. 1 and at the church in district No. 2, at 2 p.m.
30 Oct 1895
Cold Brook - Miss Mattie Dupont of Morehouseville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Borden.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:37:14 PDT
Copyright © 2003: Lisa K. Slaski