Hamilton County Record

29 Apr 1909

Hamilton County Record
The Only Newspaper Wholly Printed in Hamilton County.
"A Paper for the People of Hamilton County"
Carl L. Fry, Proprietor, Wells, N.Y.
Harry L. Cramer, Editor, Wells, N.Y.
Vol. XVII. No. 21.
Wells, N.Y., Thursday, April 29, 1909.

Of course there is a lot of news in the paper about national and international items. However, here I am only transcribing those articles that have to do with Hamilton county.

front page (page 1) - all national and international news articles
back page (page 4) - book excerpt

inside pages (pages 2 and 3) are local news as follows:

Pretty Home Wedding

Quite the prettiest wedding of the season occurred on Thursday, April 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Olmstead in Northville when their daughter, Emma Hale Olmstead, was united in marriage to Edward Haynes Sargent of Newburyport, Mass. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Clarence Miller in the presence of a large number of friends of the young couple. The bride was attended by her sister, Martha Hale Olmstead, and Miss Dorothea Brownell, a cousin of the bride. Norman Russell of Newburyport, Mass., was best man.

Miss Olmstead was prettily attired in a beautiful gown of white rajah silk, with yoke and sleeves of embroidered net, with trimmings of soutache and gold braid. She wore the groom's gift, a cross of pearls, and carried a shower bouquet of lillies of the valley. Her traveling suit was a white serge.

Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served, after which the happy young couple left on their honeymoon, amid a shower of good wishes, rice, old shoes and confetti.

Among the out-of- town guests were: Mrs. Chester M. Bates of Newburyport, Mass., sister of the groom; Floyd Olmstead of New York, a brother of the bride; Misses Neal Millerish of San Francisco, Cal.; Martha Eldridge of North Creek and Theora Williamson of New York, all being schoolmates of the bride at the Fort Edward Collegiate Institiute; Mr. W. E. Beebe, Misses Lou and Fay Beebe of Albany and Fred Davis of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Wells of Gloversville; Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham of Ballston Spa.; Mrs. Charles Van Avery, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Paul of Day; Miss Ida Olmstead of Broadalbin; Miss Jennie Partridge of Edinburgh; Mrs. B. A. Worden, Mrs. L. C. Buck of Hoosick Falls; Mrs. A. E. Blanchard of Schenectady; Miss Elsie Sumner of Edinburgh.

Page Street

James Morrison, who is working at Maon Lake camp, visiting friends here Sunday.

Mrs. Charles Letson of Lake Pleasant is visiting her parents, mr. and Mrs. Benajah Page.

Miss Nora Page called on Mrs. Alphonso Page on Monday.

Miss Susie Page of Speculator called on her cousin, Amy Slack last Sunday.

Benajah Slack, who is working at Aird's sawmill, spent Sunday with his family here.

Gilbert Lamphier is working for Charles Letson.

Sam Lawrence is working on the log drive at Long Lake.

Ira Tubbs is employed by Robert Slack at Speculator.

Mrs. Benajah Page, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly improving.

Alice Tubbs and Helen Slack are on the sick list.

George Slack is working at Lake Pleasant.

Nathan Tubbs, who has been employed by James Aird during sugar making, returned home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Van Nostrand of Wells were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stuart last Sunday afternoon.

The misses Maud and Myrtle Stuart were the guests of Mrs. Chas. Bradt on Sunday evening.

Miss Addie Bradt, who is employed at the Adirondack Inn at Wells, spent a few days with her parents the forepart of the week.

Mrs. John Bradt and son, Ira, called on friends on River street last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Richards called on Mr. and Mrs. John Bradt last Monday evening.

Seth Richard left for the river drive at Cedar Lakes on Tuesday.

Mrs. John Bradt called on her daughter, Mrs. Charles Bradt last Sunday.

Mrs. Chas. Bradt called on her cousins, Misses Maud and Myrtle Stuart, on Sunday.

Long Lake

Joe Burtean died very suddenly last Monday morning of heart disease.

The death of Mrs. J. Darrow occurred last Thursday night.

Etta Parker died last Sunday at Utica.

D. Hoff died last Monday.

Judge Greene of New York is in town.

Mr. Duane will start a hotel the first of May.


Harry Johnson is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia.

Samuel Morgan, Jr., has gone to Utica to visit his father, who is seriously ill.

John Bennett of Mill Creek has purchased the place formerly owned by the late Seth T. Thomas.

Howard Monroe has moved into the house vacated by Asa Marsha, who has moved to Mrs. Michael Kennedy's place.

Henry Brown has gone to California where Mrs. Brown went about a year ago. Mr. Brown has remained in town during the past year to dispose of their interests here.

Bakers Mills

The Rev. J. J. Davison has been attending conference at Forestville, Vt.

George Delzonroth of Albany has sold the farm he owned on Edwards hill to Douglas Morehouse.

William Merrill is improving the looks of his dwelling house by putting up a new piazza. Henry Maxam is doing the work.

William Magennes, who has been in this village during the winter, has gone to Oregon, where he will be employed by William Barker during the summer.

Malaneton Dunkley, has just finished putting in a new portion to his mill dam, that was taken out in the recent rains. He is now making shigles and expects to make hand rakes during the spring.


The stakes are being set and all preparations made by the contractor for pushing work rapidly on the Macadam road.

Rev. W. J. C. Wilson's many friends, in his won church and in the other churches, are very much pleased to know that he is to remain in this field another year by appointment of the late conference.

The board of education held a meeting last Thursday evening and elected Prof. Louis A. Bean of Hartwick, principal of the Broadalbin Union school for the next school year. Prof. Bean is a graduate of the Cortland Normal School and comes highly recommended after several years successful experience in the school room. He has been principal at Hartwick for the past three years.

North Creek

Willard Locke of Indian Lake, was in town last week.

Miss Nellie Burke of Bakers Mills is employed at Bert Swain's.

Mrs. Dennis Donohue, who has been critically ill, is gaining slowly.

Harry Liddle has returned to this place after spending the winter at Albany.

The Hudson river boats have been hauled north and the river drive has started.

Mrs. Mary Sheehan has returned from new York, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Milton Kestler.

Allen Pine has thinned out the skunks in this section this winter. He caught thirty-three in traps and would have run the number up to forty, no doubt had he not gone away for a couple of weeks this spring.


Reb. and Mrs. C. P. Anibal of Lake Placid were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder.

James Wilkins is suffering an attack of appendicitis.

Beulah Ferguson, who has been seriously ill of bronchial pneumonia is recovering.

Mrs. W. N. Wilkins returned last Tuesday from a visit among Rhode Island friends.

Mrs. Benjamin Alvord is on the sick list. Dr. Ingalls attends her.

Indian Lake

Carlos Hutchins has moved into a part of the D. Linnehan residence.

Ernest Brooks is building an addition to his residence on Maple avenue.

John St. Marie is erecting a house on the site of the one burned last winter.

Ernest Williams is visiting friends and relatives at Johnstown and Gloversville.

William Payne, Jr., and John McCane have returned from a trip to California and Oregon.

Edward Hickey, proprietor of the Commercial hotel, is making extensive repairs to the interior of the building.

Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick and H. G. Locke have been at New York, where Mr. McCormick has been receiving treatment for his eyes.


Mrs. Edward MacManus was a passenger on the south bound train last Friday morning on her way to visit relatives and friends at Natick, Mass.

Mrs. Chester M. Bates and Norman Russell of Newburyport, mass., left for their homes last Friday morning, after spending a few days in town attending the Olmstead-Sargeant wedding.

Mrs. George Cunningham, who has been a guest in town of Mr. and Mrs. B. Eglin, left last Friday morning for her home in Ballston Spa.


Mrs. John K. Hewitt has been on the sick list.

Orson Dunkley has moved on to the Beecher Howe place.

Edward Wakeley is on the river drive this spring as usual.

Lewis Robbins has moved from Bakers Mills into Esther Smith's house.

George Cooper has moved his goods into the house formerly occupied by Arthur Morehouse and is tearing down his house and is going to build it all over.

North River

Mrs. Bert Persons is making a two weeks visit with relatives at Glens Falls and Rotterdam.

Marion, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cleveland, is recovering from a brief illness.

John H. Cornwall and family are home from a week's visit to friends and relatives in Port Washington, L. I. Mr. Cornwall intends to leave in the near future for the West, where he will amke his future home. He has made many warm friends during his stay here who will deeply regret his departure.


Myron Bennett has been threatened with pneumonia.

Harlon Bennett of North Creek has been visiting relatives here.

William Bates has been confined to the house by a severe cold.

George W. Maxim has gone to Raquette Lake for the summer.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Reynold is improving slowly.

Mrs. Bert Bates is assisting Mrs. A. R. Armstrong of Johnsburgh with her domestic duties.

Methodist Church Notes

For the week beginning May 2.

Class Meeting Sunday morning at ten o'clock, led by Wm. Stanyon.

Morning worship at 10:30. Preaching by the Pastor.

Sunday school at 11:30.

Junior Epworth League meeting Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock.

Prayer meeting Wednesday evening in the church at 7:30 o'clock.

G. W. Everett, Lit. A. M., Pastor.

Notes of Interest

Pithy Paragraphs Gathered with the Aid of Pencil and Scissors.

The trout season opens Saturday.

You can get a guaranteed steel Fly rod for $3.00 at the Record Book Store.

Chas. B. Anley is grading and improving the lawn about his residence.

The season approaches when the average small boy would rather be a baseball pitcher than to be President.

J. W. Bristol, representing the Oliver Typewriter Co., was here last week demonstrating that make of machine.

Elmer Dampier has finished his wood job at George Morrison's and his position now is sitting by the fireside.

George Mead and family of Piseco were here on Wednesday, enroute to their new home at Cranberry Creek.

Mrs. G. D. Washburn and daughter, Nettie, expect to leave soon for Gloversville where they have accepted positions at the Littauer hospital.

The Business meeting of the Baptist Young People's union will be held at Miss P. F. Morrison's on Friday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served.

Do you remember how much you saved last year by buying your fishing tackle at the tackle at Record Book Store? The prices and assortment are better this year than ever before.

John Gardner has bade quite a reputation as a sheep-raiser this year. He has five ewes that gave birth to eleven lambs, all of which are living and doing well.

Lost-- A string of gold beads at James Higgins' dance on April 23. A suitable reward will be paid for return of same and no questions asked. Atwell White, Lake Pleasant, N.Y.

The first automobile party to go through Wells this season stopped for dinner at the Hotel Cochrane on Tuesday. They were from Amsterdam, enroute to Piseco.

The Rev. G. E. Smith and family left this morning for their new home at Indian Lake. They were accompanied by Miss Ella Hardin, who will continue to make her home with them.

The Hugh Mitchell saloon property at the lower end of town was sold last Saturday under a mortgage foreclosure proceeding for $150 to Marcel Duheme of Northville.

William J. Sanders of Indian Lake and Miss Minnie M. Grennell of Warrenshburgh were married on Wednesday, April 21, by the Rev. W. S. Warren at the home of the grooms brother Harry Sanders, at Lake George.

The district fire wardens appointed to serve under Fire Warden John W. Hoar for the current year are as follows: Dist. 1 Michael Floyd; Dist. 2, George H. Thompson; Dist. 3, S. W. Morrison, Dist. 4, Lewis H. Kranckler; Dist. 5, T. J. Hayes.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Head were called to Towanda, Pa., by the illness and death of the former's mother. They are expected to return home Friday or Saturday. During Dr. Head's absence his patients have been taken care of by Dr. J. E. Grant of Northville.

The finest lot of fishing tackle ever shown in Wells is now on sale at the Record Book Store. It comprises a complete line of steel and bamboo rods, flies, spoons, reels, lines, ring and snell hooks, leaders, artificial bait, bait boxes, landing nets, belt axes, knives, compasses, pack baskets, canvas creels, etc.

In accord with the wish expressed by the Fulton county fish and game club, Assemblyman Partridge has introduced a bill to lengthen the quail season in Fulton and Hamilton counties by making the open season from October 1 to November 30. It is now from November 1 to Novermber 30

A large party of the parishioners and friends of the Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Smith assembled at the M. E. church on Wednesday night to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Smith and to wish them well in their new field at Indian Lake. The evening was very pleasantly passed in a social way and light refreshments were served by the ladies of the church.

John, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Burgess, died at the home of his parents in Hope Falls on Monday of last week, after an illness with lung trouble. The funeral was held last Thursday at Hope Falls, Rev. Mr. Monroe officiating. Interment was made at that place.

Rev. G. W. Everet occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church last Sunday and created a very favorable impression with those who were present. Mr. Everett is forceful in speech and this, coupled with his genial personality, fits him admirably for the place he is to occupy.

The first lot of seedling pine trees with which the International Paper Co. plans to reforest a large part of its timber land in this section, were received here Wednesday and are now being set out in the Kunjamuck Valley under the direction of M. B. Hosley, the company's local representative.

The State Commission of Highways will hold a public hearing at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, May 1, at the Supervisor's chambers in Herkimer, N.Y. for the purpose of offering an opportunity to the citizens of Hamilton county to express their views relative to the definite location of proposed state routes numbers 24 and 25 to be improved as described in section 120 of the highway law. It is desired that everyone wishing to be heard before the location of these roads is determined should be in attendence.

The entire corps of teachers of the high school have tendered their resignations, the same to take effect at the close of the school year. Mr. Warner and Misses Wright and Baumann have done efficient work during their connection with the school and it was with regret that the board of education accepted the resignations. Mr. Warner expects to enter upon a medical course at Syracuse University in September. Miss Wright plans to continue teaching near her home at Ticonderoga, and Miss Baumann - well, rumor has it that our "cupid" correspondent will have an interesting letter for The Record in the near future.

The death of Mrs. Nelson Buyce occurred last Thursday morning at the Parker, at Riceville at the age of seventy-five years. Death was due to her advanced age and a severe attack of grip with which she had been suffering. Mrs. Buyce was a native of Wells and was a woman highly respected by all with whom she held an acquaintance. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons, Adelbert of Alvord, Horace of Hope and George L. of Wells, and two daughters, Mrs. Napoleon Parker of Riceville and Mrs. Willis Hall of Alvord. The funeral was held last Saturday afternoon from the M. E. church, the Rev. G. E. Smith officiating assisted by the Rev. G. W. Everett. The burial was made in the family plot in the village cemetery.

Graves C. Grennell died very suddenly at the home of his son, William, in the town of Hope on Wednesday night of last week at about 5 o'clock, aged eighty-six years. Mr. Grennell, though advanced in years, was so that he walked from his home, about a mile several times a week and he had not complained of illness during the winter. He went to his son's on Tuesday afternoon and was taken ill in the night with indigestion, and though all was done for him that was possible, he passed away at the time stated. He has lived in the village of Northville and vicinity over 75 years and was a man whom all respected and revered. His wife, with whom he had lived many years, died in January last, and since then had lived with his children. He will be greatly missed in the homes of his children and in the vicinity where he lived. He is survivied by one daughter, Mrs. I. C. Bass of Northville, and four sons, George and Charles of Northville, William of Hope, and John C. of Brooklyn. The funeral was held at the home of his son, William, at Hope, where he died, last Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. G. K. Frazer officiating. Interment was made in Prospect cemetery at Northville.

Change in Time on F., J. & G.

(In effect Sunday, Sept. 13)

Commencing on Sunday, Sept. 13th, the following schedule will be in effect on the steam division of the F. J. & G. R. R.:

Trains leave Gloversville for Northville 10:28 a. m., 1.30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m., daily except Sunday.

Trains leave Gloversville for Broadalbin, daily, except Sunday, 7:30 a. m., and 5:00 p. m.

Trains leave Northville for Gloversville, Johnstown and Fonda, daily, except Sunday, 7:20 a. m., 12:40 p. m., and 4:00 p.m.

Trains leave Northville for Gloversville, Johnstown and Fonda, Sundays only, 8:30 a.m., 4:40 p.m.

Take Notice

When a coroner's services are needed a call at my house, or a telephone message to LaDue's at Hope, will receive immediate attention. - Philip V. Monk, Coroner, Hope, N.Y.

Advertisers include:
Robert H. Perry, Wells, Furniture and Undertaking
Fred B. Hay, licensed embalmer, Furniture and Undertaking
Fred R. Stuart, Wells, Wall Paper, Meat, Flour, Grain and Groceries
Wm. Orr & Son, Gloversville, manufacturer of Woodvale Pantella cigars
Record Book Store, Fishing supplies, Baseball goods, Knives, Books, Stationary, School supplies, ect., Lee H. Cramer, prop.
H. L. Cramer, "The Best Talking Machines"
Homer Brownell, Northville, Plumbing and Steam Fitting
W. H. Bass, Northville, Cole Block, attorney and counselor at law
Dr. C. T. Lansing, Northville, Dentist
Becker's A B C Plasters
Cole & Moore, Northville, Insurance (fire, life and accident)
M. B. Hosley & Sons, Main street, Wells, general merchandise
Anibal House, Northville, L. R. Anibal, proprietor.
Northville Bank, Northville
O. A. Harrington, Northville, jeweler and Optician
S. A. Weaver, Northville, real estsate and insurance (life)
misc. ads by Edgar Call, Lake pleasant; Hosley & Son, Wells, general merchandise

Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:37:22 PDT
Copyright © 2004:  Lisa Slaski