Source: Memorial Day Celebration Program Pamphlets as indicated. Donated by Annie Weaver.
Observance of Memorial Day, Speculator, N. Y.;
Sunday, May 30, 1943
In honor of those men of Hamilton County who made the Supreme Sacrifice in Defense of Our Country:Program:
Parade will assemble at Lake Pleasant Central School at 3:00 p.m. and will march through town to Grace Methodist Church.
Procession Starts Promptly at 3:15 p.m.
Honorary Marshal: Samuel G. Anibal, G. A. R.
Marshal of the Day and Parade: Carl L. Earley, County Commander
Aides: John Ostrander, Hon. Dennis Dillon, Henry Rogers, Earl C. Farber, Leo W. Rogers, Arthur Fowler. George Craig, Ralph Bonesteel, K. Leonard Harwood, Kenneth Sturges, Edmund Clement, George A. Raux, Leon Perry, William Remmey.Organizations and Civic Bodies Represented in Parade:
Civil War Veterans (Honorary) Speculator Girl Scouts Spanish War Veterans Lake Pleasant Central School Stanley Steves Post, 1157 Wells High School Lake Pleasant Entrée Nous Club Stanley Steves Post, Auxiliary, Women's Society of Christian Service, Lake Pleasant Lake Pleasant American Legionaires: Women's Society of Christian Service, Warren County, Fulton County, Speculator Hamilton County, Herkimer Speculator Volunteer Fire Company County Wells Volunteer Fire Company Hamilton County Red Cross Hamilton County Defense CouncilMusical Selections by Wells High School Band
Grace Methodist Church, SpeculatorIntroduction of Master of Ceremonies: Raymond J. Burke, Past Hamilton Co. Commander, American Legion
Carl L. Earley, Hamilton County Commander, American Legion, Master of CeremoniesSelection: Wells High School Band
Address of Welcome: Major William Remmey
Invocation: Rev. Fr. Charles Neukirch
In Flanders Fields: Beatrice McGee
Dedication of Honor Rolls, Towns of Lake Pleasant and Arietta: George F. Tibbitts
Address: Edward G. O"Neill, Asst. Attorney General, State of N.Y.
Allegiance to Flag: Mrs. Carl L. Earley, Pres. Ladies' Auxiliary to the American Legion
Reading of Honored Dead: Paul Whitman, Past Ham. Co. Commander, American Legion
Salute, to Flag and Honored Dead:
Firing Squad of Stanley Steves Post, 1157, American Legion
Taps: Gordon L. Purdy, Camp of the Woods
Benediction: Rev. F. B. Grim
National Anthem: Wells High School Band
Immediately following Ceremonies, services will be held at Speculator CemeteryCommittees:
General Chairman: Paul Whitman
Arietta Committee: William Lamkey
Lake Pleasant Committee: Ashley Perkins
Memorial Fund Committee: Archie Weaver
Finance Committee: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Publicity Committee: William Osborne
Distinguished Guest Committee: C. C. Doak
School Committee: G. R. Plum, L. W. Davies
Musical Committee: Eugene L. Greene
Firing Squad Committee: George Courtney
Firemen's Committee: Robert Slack, Chief
Decorations Committee: James Welch
Graves Committee: James LawrenceCommander Archie L. Weaver of the Stanley Steves Post, No. 1157, in behalf of Post Members, extends greetings and thanks to everyone who assisted and participated in these ceremonies.
MEMORIAL DAY 1948 Wells, New York
Souvenir Program $.25Committees:
General Chairman: Michael Cymbalak
Publicity: John E. Hefferman
Program: Gerald Schuyler and Eugene Zoller
Carl Reese, Frank Belmont
Clayton Schuyler, James Zullo
L. W. Davies. Arthur Earley
Pauline Burgess
Firemen: Frank Morrison
Line of March: Frank Parker
Music: Milton Wolven
Dance: Leon Conway, Elmer Stuart
Finance: John Beatty
Firing Squad: Morgan Stuart
Refreshments: Wells Post AuxiliaryMembers of Wells Legion Post Auxiliary:
Alberta Wilbur Leo Belmont Agnes Perry Theresa Conway Anna Smith Mary DiCaprio Ruth Earley Marjorie Hall Elizabeth Stuart Josephine Hammer Helen Zullo Ada Morrison Genevieve Davies Bertha Weaver Virginia Morrison Maude Babcock Shirley Hefferman Bertha Coulombe Martha Craig Ruth Orr Helen Buyce Edna Polmateer Margaret Wolven Virginia HosleyParade:
Parade will assemble at 1:30 p.m. at the Overrock Corner on the Speculator Road and will march through the town to Parker's Store and then back to the Wells High School grounds.
Parade promptly at 2:00 p. m.
Honorary Marshall: Harry Owens
Marshall of the Day: Frank Parker
Aides: K. Leonard Harwood, Arthur Parker, Ralph Bonesteel, Arthur Furgeson, Leo Rogers, Kenneth Sturges, Carlo DiMezza, Don Wadsworth, John Beatty.Organizations and Civic Bodies Represented:
Hamilton County Red Cross Speculator Fire Co. Wells Legion Post Wells Fire Co. Wells Legion Post Auxiliary Long Lake Fire Co. Speculator Legion Post Indian Lake Fire Co. Speculator Post Auxiliary Lake Pleasant Fire Co. Long Lake Legion Post Long Lake H. S. Band Long Lake Post Auxiliary Speculator H. S. Band Indian Lake Legion Post Wells H. S. Band Indian Lake Post Auxiliary Indian Lake H. S. Band Raquette Lake Legion Post Mayfield H. S. Band Raquette Lake Post Auxiliary Mayfield H. S. Majorettes Northville Legion Post Hamilton County Gold Star Mothers Piseco V. F. W. Spanish American War Veterans Piseco V. F. W. AuxiliaryProgram:
Wells High School Grounds, Wells N. Y.
Introduction of Master of Ceremonies: Harry Owens, Co. Commander
Master of Ceremonies: W. C. Hopkins, Ham. Co. Supt. Of Schools
Invocation: Rev. Donald O'Meara
America: Wells High School Band
Address: Major Gen. Bernard W. Kearney, Ret., and Member of Congress
Benediction: Rev. John Robinson
Salute: Wells Firing Squad
Taps: Robert Earley and William Davies
National Anthem: Massed BandsAdditional Attractions:
Drill and Exhibition: Mayfield High School band and Majorettes
Long Lake High School
Tri-County League Baseball Game: Wells H. S. vs. Mayfield H. S.
BingoMembers of Wells Legion Post 1565:
Sanford Morrison John Hefferman Frank Morrison Frank Belmont Hassan Simons Lewis Davies Leon Conway Clayton Schuyler George Babcock, Sr. Arthur Earley John Babcock James Zullo Vincent Craig Milton Wolven Forrest Bradt Harvey Weaver Allison Buyce Calvin Young William Dampier Michael Cymbalak Gordon Gallup Nelson Stuart Elsworth Schuyler Roy Buyce Richard Rulison Louis DiCaprio Arthur Nubel Charles Orr, Jr. Elmer Stuart Frank Parker Linden Schuyler Carl Reese John Hosley, Jr. Morgan Stuart Robert Dampier Eugene Zullo George Fuller Gerald Schuyler Edgar Beaudin C. C. DoakAdvertisers:
James Emerson: Insurance, Long Lake
The Village Inn: Wm. J. Black, Prop., Long Lake
Robin Wood: At Lake Eaton, Fred A. Freeman, Prop.
Farrell's Tavern, Indian Lake
Cordone's Beverages, Gloversville
Superior Ice Cream
J. Martinec Packing Co., Scotia
Marty's Hotel and Bar; Marty and Mary Harr, Prop., Indian Lake
Cal Young's Shop: Wells
The Overrock Inn: C. C. Doak, Manager
Melody Lodge
Livingston's Home Furnishings, Gloversville
Van Arnam's Garage, Northville
Wm. J. Cady Co., Inc. Contractors, Amsterdam
Adirondack Lumber, Wells
Hunts Hotel: George Hunt, Prop., Wells
Inlet Appliances, Inc.
White Swan Inn: Alfred Cole, Prop., Long Lake
Lahey's Store, Long Lake
Freeman's Store, Long Lake
Parker Bros.
Slims Nu Bell Club, Northville
Becker's Store, Long Lake
Sabattis Stage, Long Lake
Leonard's Garage, Indian Lake
Lewis Goldmeer Wholesale, Amsterdam
Wells Fish and Game Club
Wells Drug Store: F. Scriber, Prop., Wells
Bauder Gas & Electric, Northville
Indian Lake Garage, Indian Lake
King's Garage: Emmett L. King, Prop., Indian Lake
"Squires", Indian Lake
Rogers Hotel, Oxbow Lake
Frank Buckley, Troy
T. Southworth Tractor and Machinery Co., Albany
Hamilton County National Bank, Wells
Mosher Bros., Northville
Oberg Drug Store, Northville
Overrock Gift Shop: Shirley Hefferman, Wells
Mammoth Garage: Eugene Greene, Prop., Speculator
Lewis M. Simons, Wells
Tefft's Adirondack Studio, Speculator
Raquette Lake Supply Co., Raquette Lake
Ste. Marie's: Douglas J. Fish, Prop., Indian Lake
Wilderness Lodge, Indian Lake
Indian River Hotel: Bus Spring, Manager, Indian Lake
Adirondack Hotel, Long Lake
Helm's Aero Service
Linger-Longer, Blue Mt. Lake
Long Lake Garage: Earl Plumley, Prop., Long Lake
Howard A. Burkhard, Inlet
Sea Biscuit Inn: Andrew Paquin, Prop., Wells
R. H. Perry's Store, Wells
Indian Luncheonette, Indian Lake
Edinger Beauty and Barber Shop, Indian Lake
Turner Electric, Indian Lake
Al's Adirondack Service, Inlet
Oneida Markets, Inc: Morgan Stuart, Mgr.
S. Griffiths, Speculator
General Chairman: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Publicity: John Freiberger
Entertainment: Donald Warner
Program: John K. McAfee
Decoration: Mike Casline, Donald Warner, Antonne Elger
Firemen: Alvin Mayers
Line of March: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Music: Ronald Lalik
Dance: William H. Osborne
Dinner: Fred York
Finance: Sydney Griffiths
Firing Squad: Ronald Lalik
Refreshments: Mrs. John K. McAfee (Auxiliary)
Speakers: William DemingGUESTS OF THE STANLEY STEVES POST, No. 1157
Mr. And Mrs. Allan Stevenson, Utica
Mr. And Mrs. Bernard W. Kearney, Gloversville
Mr. And Mrs. Walter Van Wiggeren, Herkimer
Mr. And Mrs. Joseph R. Younglove, Johnstown
Comdr. And Mrs. Edward H. Jennings, Long Lake
Adjutant and Mrs. Robert E. Jennings, Long Lake
Vice-Comdr. Francis R. McGinn, Indian Lake
Mr. And Mrs. Raymond J. Burke, Raquette Lake
Mr. And Mrs. James B. Hall, Long Lake
Mr. And Mrs. Michael Cymbalak, Wells
Mr. And Mrs. Sam Herman, Inlet
Mr. And Mrs. Dennis Dillon, Raquette Lake
Mr. And Mrs. Leslie Turner, Indian Lake
Mrs. Stella King, Speculator
Mr. And Mrs. K. L. Harwood, Inlet
Mr. And Mrs. William Baker, Piseco
Mr. And Mrs. Carlo DeMezza, Benson
Mr. And Mrs. Donald Wadsworth, Hope
Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Bonesteel, Indian Lake
Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Sturges, Speculator
Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Parker, Long Lake
Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Fergeson, Morehouse
Mr. And Mrs. John Beatty, Wells
Mr. And Mrs. Henry Rogers, Lake Pleasant
Hon. And Mrs. Lansing K. Tiffany, Inlet
Mr. And Mrs. Earl C. Farber, Hoffmeister
Mr. And Mrs. Merritt Lamos, Lake Pleasant
Mr. And Mrs. Edwin Galusha, Indian Lake
Mrs. Hattie L. Snell, Northville
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick B. Grim, Speculator
Rev. Callistus Scheid, WellsMEMBERS OF STANLEY STEVES POST No. 1157
American legion, Speculator:Officers:
Commander: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Adjutant: John K. McAfee
First Vice-Commander: William H. Osborne
Second Vice-Commander: G. Howard Romaine
Finance Officer: Sydney Griffiths
Sergeant-at-Arms: Gerald M. Buyce
Chaplain: Fred York
Historian: John Freiberger
Service Officer: Alfred W. GiffordMembers:
Eugene L. Greene William J. Lamkey, II Ronald E. Lalik Clifford Slack William H. Deming Donald F. Warner Gardiner Kline H. David Gallup Walter J. Knapp Thomas C. Adams A. Augustus Low Ralph L. Orr Mike Casline Paul Whitman James L. Lawrence Jasper H. Clouthier Halsey H. Page James F. Walsh A. Douglas Call Louis H. Court Alvin Mayers Charles E. Williams Edward T. Griffiths Louise Sheridan Birch John B. Knox Claude L. Pardee Ashley Perkins Erwin L. Reese Carl L. Earley Pierson G. Aird Archie L. Weaver Antone J. Elger Ansel Buss William Osborne, Sr. Richard Diedrich Robert Diedrich Robert J. Downey Henry F. Amadon Guy A. FootePARADE:
Parade will assemble at 1:00 p.m. at the Lake Pleasant Central School on East Road in Speculator and will march west across the Village Square continuing west along Lake Pleasant State Highway to the Adirondack Movie Theatre and then back to the Village Square where it will turn south along the State Highway to the Recreation Field where it will terminate before the speakers platform.PARADE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 1:30 p.m.
Honorary Marshall: Edward H. Jennings
Marshall of the Day: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Aides: K. Leonard Harwood, Kenneth Sturges, William Baker, John Beatty, Carlo Di Mezza, Donald Wadsworth, Ralph Bonesteel, Arthur Parker, Arthur FergesonORGANIZATIONS AND CIVIC BODIES REPRESENTED:
Hamilton County American Legion Organization
Stanley Steves Post, 1157, Speculator
Stanley Steves, 1157, Auxiliary, Speculator
Wells Post 1565, Wells
Wells 1565 Auxiliary, Wells
Parker-Benton Post 1392, Indian Lake
Parker-Benton 1392, Auxiliary, Indian Lake
Leonard-Mick-Roberts Post 1402, Inlet
Leonard-Mick-Roberts 1402, Auxiliary, Inlet
Hamilton Post 650, Long Lake
Hamilton 650 Auxiliary, Long Lake
Hamilton County V. F. W.
Hamilton County V. F. W. Auxiliary
Hamilton County Gold Star Mothers
Spanish American War Veterans
Long Lake High School Band
Speculator High School Band
Indian Lake High School Band
Wells High School Band
Speculator Fire Company
Lake Pleasant Fire Company
Northville High School Band and Majorettes
Hamilton County Red Cross
Long Lake Fire Company
Wells Fire Company
Memorial day ceremonies
Monday, May 30, 1949Introduction of County Commander: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Message of Welcome by Co. Commander: Edward H. Jennings
Master of Ceremonies: Representative B. W. Kearney
Invocation: Rev. Frederick B. Grim
America: Speculator High School Band
Address: Allan Stevenson
Benediction: Rev. Callistus Scheid
Salute: Firing Squad
Taps: Ronald Lalik
National Anthem: Combined BandsADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS:
Drill and Exhibition: Northville High School Band and Majorettes
Presentation of Trophies Softball Game: Speculator American Legion vs. Wells Legion
Memorial Day Dinner: Hamilton Inn, Lake Pleasant, N. Y. 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day Dance: Hamilton Inn, Lake Pleasant, N. Y. 9:00 p.m.
Door Prize at Dance: Tenderized Shankless Smoked HamMEMBERS OF STANLEY STEVES 1157 UNIT AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY
President: Lou McAfee
First Vice-President: Rose Gallup
Second Vice-President: Eileen Griffiths
Secretary: Amy Earley
Treasurer: Mary Wilber
Chaplain: Elizabeth Stuart
Historian: Patricia Buyce
Sergeant-at-Arms: Helen GreeneMembers:
Anna Aird Kay Gifford Margaret Aird Virginia King June Adams Mary King Mary Baker Nina Morrison Bertha Buyce Leona Orr Ethel Buyce Clara Osborne Mildred Dietrich Sarah Osborne Rena Diedrich Emma Page Nancy Downey Winnie Page Mary Donahue Agnes Page Dorothy Downey Olive Parslow Dorothy Deming Henrietta Perkins Marie Elger Cecelia Romaine Georgia Frieberger Edith Schoonmaker Elaine Greene Grace Walsh Evelyn Gallup Helen Williams Kay WorthumADVERTISERS:
Hotels and Cottages: Molly K. Amadon, Piseco
Marie Elger's Gift House, Speculator
Morgan Fountain Construction, Northville
Rogers Hotel, Lake Pleasant
The Northville Bank, Northville
L. L. Buyce's Sons, Wells
Loeben's Flower Shop, Gloversville
The Hamilton County National Bank, Wells
Hamilton County News
Henry Nolan, Speculator
Adirondack Dairy Meat Market: John Orr, Prop., Wells
Inlet Appliances, Inc. Inlet
The Morning Herald
New Senator's Restaurant, Gloversville
Parsons Inc. of Gloversville
Adirondack Lumber Company, Wells
Whitman Lumber Company, Inc., Speculator
"Asco" Burial Vaults: Art Stone Co., Gloversville
J. Martinec Packing Co., Scotia
Edwards Box and Paper Corp., Gloversville
Osborne Inn, Speculator
West End Brewing Co., Utica
Robinson and Smith, Inc., Gloversville
Melody House, Gloversville
The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville
Garlock's Garage, Gloversville
Frank Buckley, Troy
Novosel Lumber Company, Speculator
The Hamilton Inn, Lake Pleasant
Melody Lodge, Speculator
Oneida Markets: Morgan Stuart Prop., Wells
Downey's, Speculator
John K. McAfee, Speculator
Osborne's Store, Speculator
Sheriff of Hamilton County
Tefft's Adirondack Studio. Speculator
Camp Merryland, Lake Pleasant
George Van Zant, Speculator
Weaver's Bait and Ice, Speculator
Sydney Griffiths, Speculator
Town of Lake Pleasant
H. J. Gallup, Speculator
Sam's Market, Speculator
Graham's Hotel, Speculator
Gerald M. Buyce
Hamilton County Veterans of Foreign Wars
Log Cabin Restaurant, Speculator
William C. Rudes, Lake Pleasant
Vikingate: Cik Nelson, Owner, Speculator
Heaslip's Laundry: Robert C. Heaslip, Prop., Speculator
Hunter's Granite Works, Inc. Represented by Claude A. Lipe, Northville
Chamber of Commerce: Spec., Lake Pleasant, Piseco, Higgins Bay
Hotel Utica: Garry Riggs, Mgr.
Oliver Judson, Lowville
S. G. Schoonmaker, Ph.G., Speculator
Dr. Rollin P. Fiero, Speculator
C. W. Elliott Taxi Service, Speculator
Mammoth Garage: Eugene Greene, Speculator
Anibal House: George Haskell, Prop., Piseco
Vergil Burch, Piseco
Pedrick's Restaurant, Gloversville
Although this pamphlet is not a Memorial Day program, it is an event involving the American Legion and contains a list of officers and past commanders. Thus I have grouped it with the Memorial Day programs which also provide information as to officers and members of the American Legion. Enjoy!
February 22, 1955Department of New York:
Commander: John B. Ryan
Vice Commander: Joseph McFee
Auxiliary President: Mrs. Frederica L. HaleyFourth District:
Commander: Herman A. Frantianni
Vice Commander: Farren De Nure
Auxiliary Chairman: Mrs. Margaret Mac CormackHamilton County:
Commander: William H. Intemann
1st Vice Commander: Charles Stephenson
2nd Vice Commander: Hollis Ross
3rd Vice Commander: Roy Buyce
Adjutant: John K. McAfee
Finance Officer: Stanley G. Schoonmaker
Chaplain: Sherrill Alexander
Sargeant At Arms: Robert F. Hamner
Service Officer: Robert F. Jennings
Historian: Leslie ParkerAuxiliary Chairman: Mrs. Harriet Houghton
1st Vice Chairman: Mrs. Adelaide Ross
2nd Vice Chairman: Mrs. Amy Earley
Secretary: Mrs. Pauline Faxton
Treasurer: Mrs. Lou McAfeePost Commanders:
Parker-Benton Post No. 1392, Indian Lake: Charles Stephenson
Hamilton Post No. 650, Indian Lake: Robert F. Jennings
Wells Post No. 1565, Wells: George Reese
Leonard-Mick-Roberts Post No. 1402, Inlet: Lansing Tiffany
Stanley Steves Post No. 1157, Speculator: Sydney GriffithsUnit Presidents Auxiliary:
Parker-Benton Unit No. 1392, Indian Lake: Miss Elma Brown
Hamilton Unit No. 650, Long Lake: Mrs. Joanne Emerson
Wells Unit No. 1565, Wells: Mrs. Catherine Scribner
Leonard-Mick-Roberts Unit No. 1402, Inlet: Mrs. Adelaide Ross
Stanley Steves Unit No. 1157, Speculator: Mrs. Amy EarleyPast County Commanders:
Stanley G. Schoonmaker Raymond Burke Eugene L. Greene Ashley L. Perkins Paul A. Whitman Carl L. Earley Fred York (deceased) Archie L. Weaver George A. Turner (Deceased) Arthur L. Earley Clayton Schuyler Frank Burch John K. McAfee Leslie D. Parker Edward H. Jennings Frank W. Parker Martin J. Harr Jr. Harry J. JonesMenu:
Hearts of Celery
Green Olives
Rosebud Radishes
Consommé a la Buck
Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Carrots and Peas
Mixed green Salad
Ice Cream
CoffeeLegion Boosters:
Schoonmaker's Drugstore Leslie D. Parker Past Co. Comdr. King of the Frosties Parker-Benton Auxiliary Unit No. 1392 McAfee's Paint Shop Molly K. Rockwell - Real Estate Leonard-Mick-Roberts Auxiliary Unit Reuben Alton - Milk Lansing K. Tiffany Griffiths Plumbing Shop George J. Harrington The Bucks Charles H. Johns Raymond J. King - Broadalbin LeRoy Spring Rita and Bill Intemann Tom Shaver Adirondack Dairy James Emerson Charles Stephenson Frank Parker Mary and Marty Harr James D. Curry John H. Zellner Melvin G. Brown Wallace W. Fish Wells Auxiliary Unit No. 1565 Leslie Turner Harriet Houghton Robert E. Jennings W. C. Rudes Adirondack Electric Service
Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:36:09 PDT
Copyright © 2007: Annie Weaver