Source: "The Adirondacks: Illustrated," by Seneca Ray Stoddard, Albany, 1874, reprint
pages 97-100Long Lake is nearly 14 miles in length and about one mile in width at the widest part, which is near its outlet. It runs in a north easterly direction, receives the waters of the Raquette River at its head and gives them up to the same name at its foot. Thence, the water flowing northward, joins Cold River, and passing within about three miles of the Saranac lakes, turns toward the south-west, touching the foot of Big Tupper's Lake, then north-westerly past Potsdam to the St. Lawrence. Long Lake contains several islands; one, nearly midway between the inlet and the outlet is called Round Island, and resembes Dome Island of Lake George, only that it is more perfect in its dome-like appearance. Near the head of the lake, on the west, is the Owl's Head, a mountain marked on the map as being 2,706 feet above tide, but as Long Lake is over 1,500 above the ocean, the Owl's Head isn't much of a mountain after all. To the west the country is level; on the east is Mount Kempshall, originally called Long Lake Mountain; on the north the blue serrated summit of Mount Seward, 5,100 feet above tide.
Three or four years ago some one put a few pickerel into Long Lake to see if they would breed. The experiment was a success. They multiplied and replenished the pickerel world in a way truly wonderful; and now it is rare sport for fishermen, but the guides, who have been spoiled on trout and salmon, want to just get hold of the man who put the first lot in. They do not fancy the slime that goes with the fish which they call a hog, ready to bite any thing that comes along, from a dish-rag to a small boy, "plays" like a log, their "gameness" consisting of a habit they have of allowing themselves to be dragged anywhere after they are once fairly hooked.
Long Lake Village, commonly called "Gougeville," is situated on the east side of the lake, 3-1/2 miles from its head. It is composed of 18 to 20 buildings, assorted sizes, a schoolhouse, church, store, post-office, and what is of more interest to the average traveler, Kellogg's popular hotel. At present, I have no vivid recollection of a "Sabbath in the woods," but in this connection do remember one spent at Gougeville three or four years ago, which was ushered in by a general brightening up of guns and sorting of fishing-tackle that indicated any thing but a devotional spirit as the word is generally understood, and seemed to show that there was a variety of opinion as to the proper manner of celebrating the day in question.
We concluded to attend divine worship and in due time found ourselves seated in the little church listening to an earnest discourse from the minister who was also blacksmith, lawyer, shoemaker and merchant in a small way, besides devoting his leisure hours to meditation and farming.
The interior was not what could properly be styled luxurious, but it was substantial. Over the pulpit, and occupying a considerable portion of that end of the building, was an immense marine clock, great in the display of gold, while letters on its face explained that it was "presented by Dr. Todd's Mission S. School," from somewhere or other - I don't remember where just now, but understand that the philanthropic member donors are at present engaged in a laugdable endeavor to furnish overcoats to the suffering Hottentot; it did seem like discouraging work for a frail mortal of a minister man to attempt to lead minds away on the ocean of eternity with time staring them so squarely in the face. Uneducated as we were in the science of mellifluous strains, we could but notice the vaxt difference between the rendition of familiar pieces by the choir, and the high spiced olio of sacred song dispensed by the $20,000 kind. There was no sinful mixing of Old Hundred with the latest operas; no voluptuous waltzes trickling down through tortured coronation; no basso profundo howlings in Le Diable - revamped for Sunday ears; no fancy runs, artistic slides, or coltish whinnying in the upper register, but primitive purity undefiled ruled the hour, the leader leading off gallantly, and as soon as it became known what tune he had started a female voice dashed in a half note behind making great exertions to close the gap between them. Now voice after voice took up the strain that rose and swelled until it seemed that three or four voices were blended together like a half dozen; some wandered away and foundered; the high soprana made several gallant starts ahead to pass the leader, but he kept to his knitting, and came out first - winning the heat by a good half-length, while the bass "Came rumbling after."
Here at Long Lake, the road from Pottersville and Schrron touches, thence turning south, continues along the east shore and south-west, past Raquette Lake, at places being little more than a mere trail and known as the Carthage road. The land around, while apparently promising well, is cold and illy adapted to farming purposes, some of the clearing having been made upwards of forty years, and quite good buildings put up, but a blight seems to have come over them, which is especially noticeable on the road toward Newcomb; the township contains about 300 inhabitants, who subsist principally by guiding through the summer, and hunting and trapping in the winter. There are several places of entertainment besides the regular hotel among them. Palmer's, a favorite stopping place of A. F. Tait, the artist, 2-1/2 miles south of Kellogg's, is well spoken of.
Long Lake has one industry wherein it stands at the head, that of boat-building, a "Long Lake boat" in the Adirondacks being considered the synonym of all that is graceful and perfect in that line, the regulation boat is about 3 feet wide, from 14 to 17 long, weighing when new, from 60 to 80 pounds, and costing about one dollar per pound.
The Long Lake Hotel, kept by C. H. Kellogg, is situated about one-fourth mile from the lake shore, a large white building, comfortably furnished, setting a good table and with a capacity for taking care of thirty guests very comfortably; a dashing little brook foams and tumbles past close by, said to yield hosts of speckled beauties, and a fleet of boats on the lake shore is at the service of those who will troll for the heavier pickerel and "lakers." Kellogg's hotel and store is a base of supplies for the region round about, and is a starting point for routes which radiate in various directions. States carrying the mail arrive and depart twice weekly through the sporting season, passing through Newcomb to Minerva, thence to the Adirondack railroad at North Creek, or to Pottersville at the foot of Schroon Lake, each about 41 miles distant. It is the head-quarters of a long list of guides who stand at the very head of the profession.
page 153Long Lake is noted for a number of superior guides of the kind called independent. C. H. Kellogg, Esq., of the Long Lake Hotel, has furnished the following list:
Mitchel SabattisPost-office address Long Lake, Hamilton Co.
John E. Plumbley
Reuben Carey
Nelson Carey
Charley Blanchard
Reuben Howard
Jerome Wood
Jeremiah Plumley
Charles Sabattis
Isaac Sabattis
Henry Stanton
George B. Stanton
B. F. Emerson
Amos Robinson
John Robinson
William Robinson
Isaac B. C. Robinson
Att. Cole
Simeon Cole
Lysander Hall
Herbert Hall
John Rice
W. D. Jennings
C. D. Hough
George Cary
William Helms
David Helms
David Keller
C. R. Keller
C. B. Hammer
Alonzo L. Mix
David Mix
Gilbert Stanton
page 172: Long Lake HotelLong Lake is one of the loveliest sheets of water in that magnificent region of lakes and streams, stretching through the wilderness in a north easterly direction for 14 miles, an ever changing panorama of bay and headland, from the rapids at its head to the beautiful natural meadow at its outlet; it is but little more than a mile at the widest and contains several pretty islands, Round Island near its center being a perfect little gem. Fishing is excellent here, the lake containing, besides its trout and other fish common to Adirondack waters, an immense number of pickerel, making rare sport for those inclined to troll. Away toward the north and east are the great mountain peaks, on the west a mass of streams and ponds that afford fine fishing and hunting, while to the south are the noted Raquette waters, making it what it is often called, a sportsman's paradise indeed. Three miles from its head is the little village of Long Lake, noted for the manufacture of Adirondack boats and as being the home of some of the best guides that the wilderness has ever produced.
The Long Lake Hotel, without which the region would lose a great deal of its attraction to the sportsman, is a few rods from the lake shore, a large roomy house that can take care of 30 comfortably; the table is seldom without its trout or venison during the season and terms very reasonable for such fare ($10 per week). Stages leave and arrive twice each week, running to North Creek and Pottersville, 44 miles distant, boats and camp equipages furnished, and guides engaged when desired (guides are here all "independent"). For particulars address C. H. Kellogg, Long Lake, Hamilton Co., remembering that it takes two or three days for a letter to reach that wild region.
Last Updated: Monday, 24-Mar-2008 11:08:52 PDT
Copyright © 2000: Lisa_Slaski