1870 Federal Census
Town of Wells

Generously transcribed and donated by Joanne Murray - Thank You!

Enumerated 5 July to 29 August 1870 by Adolphe Raux

  1. Page Number
  2. Dwelling number
  3. Family number
  4. Last name
  5. First name
  6. Age
  7. Sex
  8. Color
  9. Occupation
  10. Value of Real Estate owned
  11. Value of Personal Estate owned
  12. Place of birth
  13. Father foreign born
  14. Mother foreign born
  15. Month born within the year
  16. Month married within the year
  17. In school within the year
  18. Cannot read
  19. Cannot write
  20. Deaf & dumb, blind, insane or idiotic
  21. Males eligible to vote
  22. Males not eligible to vote

As always, please refer to the originals for the best accuracy!

Continue on to part 2

439A1 GallopJessey40MWFarmer1000100NY        1  
    Hanah40FWKeeping House  Ireland11         
    Sarah E.18FW   NY 1  1      
    David B.16MW   NY 1  1      
    Catherine4FW   NY 1         
    Mary2FW   NY 1         
   MorrisonCharles34MWLaborer  NY        1  
   ChambersJery47MWFarmer2000900NY        1  
    Mary Jane24FW   NY           
 23DaneCatherine45FWHouse Keeping  NY           
    John2MW   NY           
    Homer [?]6MW   NY           
   SabenLevi55MWDoctor  NY        1  
    Elisabeth39FWKeeping House  NY           
   GilmanE.P.70MWFarmer4000200Vermont        1  
 3 FisherCharles36MWFarmer  Penn        1  
    Sarah Jane38FWKeeping House  NY           
    Samuel L.4MW   NY           
    Mary E.2FW   NY           
   EtterEliza8FW   NY           
 42DunningDavid81MWFarmer  Vermont        1  
    Trimana [?]69FWKeeping House  NY           
   WilberAlenson33MWFarmer1000 NY        1  
    Elisabeth28FWKeeping House  NY           
    Annis M.8FW   NY           
    Calvin3MW   NY           
 52BuiceNelson39MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Lucy38FWKeeping House  NY           
    Lester19MW   NY           
    Emmy17FW   NY           
    Martha15FW   NY    1      
    John11MW   NY    1      
    Delphid A.10MW   NY    1      
    George7MW   NY    1 X    
    Forest4MW   NY    1 X    
    Marvin2MW   NY           
   LelandMellinda70FW   Maine           
 6 FordMoor G.29MWLaborer  NY        1  
    Lucity30FWKeeping House  Penn           
    Linsy2FW   NY           

439B  FordJohn2/12MW   NY  April        
 1 ChamberlandMartin29MWFarmer  NY        1  
    Sarah22FWKeeping House  NY           
 2 RusselComdore33MWLaborer400 NY        1  
    Jane27FWKeeping House  NY           
    Allice4FW   NY           
    Rose2FW   NY           
 3 OverackerM.70MWFarmer100075NY        1  
    Catherine65FWKeeping House  NY           
 4 DumerisAndrew36MWLaborer 100NY        1  
    Catherine28FWKeeping House  NY           
    Oscar10MW   NY    1      
    Dora8FW   NY    1      
    Clara4FW   NY           
 5 WigerLevi A.31MWFarmer 60NY        1  
    Jane33FWKeeping House  NY           
    Margarite12FW   NY    1      
    George H.14MW   NY           
    William6MW   NY           
    Hutyson [?]10MW   NY           
 6 WashburnTreen [?] B.30MWLumbering200100NY        1  
    Margarite25FWKeeping House  NY           
    Hattie8FW   NY    1      
    Nettie4FW   NY    1 X    
    Gilbert2/12MW   NY  April        
   WilliamHenry24MWLaborer 100Vermont        1  
    Lottie24FWKeeping House  NY           
    James2FW   NY           
    Kathy4FW   NY           
 7 MitteuJohn48MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Elisabeth43FWKeeping House  NY           
    Nicolas F.23MW   NY           
    George B.21MW   NY           
    Gasper19MW   NY           
    Arthur16MW   NY           
    Anson R.15MW   NY           
    John F.2MW   NY           
    Nancy C.14FW   NY           
    Ida M.8FW   NY           
    Mary7FW   NY           

440A  MitteuEmily5FW   NY     XX    
    Edmy1MW   NY           
 1 MittueN. L.68MWFarmer  NY        1  
    Nancy73FWKeeping House  NY           
    Jerome13MW   NY    1      
 2 FlansburgJohn30MWLaborer  NY        1  
    Emily22FWKeeping House  NY           
    Gitty Ann2FW   NY           
   FisherEdny5FW   NY     XX    
 3 KelloggLuther38MWFarmer2000 NY        1  
    Mary E.26FWKeeping House  NY           
    Jenny5/12FW   NY  Jany        
 4 FlansburgPeter68MWFarmer100 NY        1  
    Saly57FWKeeping House  NY           
    Peter W.23MWLaborer 100NY        1  
    William H.25MW  100NY        1  
 5 DaneThomas28MWLaborer  Mass        1  
    Emily27FWKeeping House  Mass           
 6 WatworthDaniel36MWFarmer1000 C. N. Y.        1  
    Seminty30FWKeeping House  C. N. Y.           
    William9MW   C. N. Y.    1      
    Seth W.6MW   C. N. Y.    1XX    
    Jordan4MW   C. N. Y.    1XX    
    Aynis H.2FW   C. N. Y.           
 7 FlansburgSylvester36MWFarmer300 C. N. Y.        1  
    Hanah29FWKeeping House  C. N. Y.           
    William E.6MW   C. N. Y.    1XX    
 8 WoodJames R.58MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Rebecca56FWKeeping House  NY           
    John24MW   NY        1  
    Joshua20MW   NY        1  
   DaneIda11FW   NY           
 9 ThompsonJames26MWFarmer200 Mich           
    Mercy22FWKeeping House  NY           
    Anna M.3FW   NY           
 10 HinkleyAugustus54MWFarmer1000 NY        1  
    Mary E.45FWKeeping House  NY           
    Thomas21MW   NY           
    Edioly [?]17FW   NY           
    Prudy H.13FW   NY           

440B  HinklyNettie [?]13MW   NY           
    Augustus9MW   NY           
    Lucy3FW   NY           
 1 FountainDavid60MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Elisabeth59FWKeeping House  NY           
    William Leny [?]18MWLaborer  NY           
    Wallis10MW   NY    1      
 3 BrattSarah60FWKeeping House800 NY           
    Alvah24MWL  NY        1  
    Charlot14FW   NY    1      
 4 WeaverJohn36MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Permily27FWKeeping House  NY           
    William10MW   NY    11     
    Jesoeph A.8MW   NY    XX     
    Richard E.6MW   NY    XX     
    Peter L.3MW   NY           
    John1MW   NY           
 5 BrattSeth24MWLaborer  NY           
    Orsely22FWKeeping House  NY           
    Alvah3MW   NY           
    Emily1FW   NY           
 6 KellogElias48MWFarmer500 NY        1  
    Julia Anne42FWKeeping House  NY           
    Eliza20FW   NY           
    George18MWLaborer  NY           
    Mary Jane16FW   NY           
    Lasona14FW   NY           
 7 RoonyJames55MWFarmer1200 Ireland11      1  
    Elisabeth45FWKeeping House  NY           
    William A.26MWLaborer  NY1          
    John3MW   NY1          
    James C.22MWLaborer  NY1       1  
    Sarah A.21FW   NY1          
    Mary E.19FW   NY1          
    Hellen M.13FW   NY1          
    Margaret11FW   NY1          
    Ida11FW   NY1          
    Thomas6MW   NY           
   WeaverIsidor19FW   NY           
    Jessey A.2MW   NY           

441A1 HarrisHenry29MWTavern Keeper1200400NY        1  
    Sarah26FWKeeping Hotel  NY           
    Charles6MW   NY    1      
    Raymond1MW   NY           
   DunhamCalvin22MW   NY        1  
   CorgainMary16FWHouse Keeping  NY           
   ColterAlex19MWLaborer  NY11         
   StaylorWilliam48MWLaborer  England11         
 2 BerryEdward50MWFarmer450 Canada        1  
    Lavine47FWHouse Keeping  NY           
    Ursgine13MWLaborer  NY1          
    Chancy21MW   NY1       1  
    John C.2MW   NY1          
   LeonCamite [?]25MWLaborer  Canada         X 
 3 MorrisonO.33MWFarmer800 NY        1  
    Mary A.32FWKeeping House  NY           
    Sumter H.12FW   NY    1      
    Adam G.2MW   NY           
    Maggie J.4/12FW   NY  Feby        
    Charles20MWLaborer  NY        1  
 4 GrinelleA. W.44MWFarmer600350NY        1  
    Louis55FWKeeping House  NY           
 5 DunhamWashington28MWFarmer1000800NY        1  
    Delala22FWKeeping House  NY           
 6 MorrisonEman38MWFarmer700 NY        1  
    Mary33FWKeeping House  NY           
    Mercy A.15FW   NY    1      
    Louise12FW   NY    1      
    Helen11FW   NY    1      
    Delbert9MW   NY    1 X    
    Jeny4FW   NY    1 X    
    Hatty2FW   NY           
 7 WilcoxEligue50MWFarmer400 NY        1  
    Poline38FWKeeping House  NY           
   DunhamEmily19FWTeaching School  NY           
    Emey17MWLaborer  NY           
    Allis15FW   NY    1      
    Melisy9FW   NY    1      
   WilcoxElisabeth15FW   NY    1      
    Nelly3FW   NY           

441B1 DennisAne69FWKeeping House400 NY           
 2 DunhamNelson33MWFarmer500150NY        1  
    Maria31FWKeeping House  NY           
 3 ThompsonJohn Jr.46MWFarmer1500200NY1          
    Julia A.48FWKeeping House  NY           
    George A.16MW   NY1   1      
    William14MW   NY1   1      
    Peter Thomas13MW   NY1   1      
    Betsy A.11FW   NY1   1      
    John Lee2MW   NY1          
    John76MWFarmer 300NY11      1  
 4 HinklyPery24MWFarmer100 England        1  
    Mary A.18FWKeeping House  NY   Augst       
   Martin [?]George21MWLaborer  NY   Augst    1  
 5 ThompsonWm.40MWFarmer800600NY1       1  
    Ira18MW   NY1          
    Emily Jane13FW   NY1          
    Mary11FW   NY           
    Eliza Jane4FW   NY           
 6 AbramAlbert26MWFarmer300200NY        1  
    Francis20FWKeeping House  NY           
    James30MWLaborer  NY        1  
 7 DanfieldDaniel30MWFarmer100 Canada        1  
    Mary24FWKeeping House  NY           
    Henry3MW   NY           
    George5MW   NY           
    Alex B.30MWLaborer  Canada        1  
    Henry34MWLaborer  Canada        1  
 8 AbramSarah70FW   NY           
    Josephine34FW   NY           
 9 WillisNathan47MWFarmer200100NY        1  
    Livine45FWKeeping House  NY           
    Mary Jane18FW   NY           
    William A.15MW   NY    1      
    Charles H.4MW   NY           
 10 LobdelLial31MWFarmer  NY        1  
    Matilda30FWKeeping House  NY           
    Helmer8MW   NY    1      
    Garret3MW   NY           
    Anna1FW   NY           

Continue on to part 2


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:25:48 PDT
Copyright © 2006:  Joanne Murray