1860 Mortality Census Schedule

This census lists person who died within the past year ending June 1st, 1860. The census taker S. S. Anibal did something unusual with his enumeration herein. He appears to have added the name of the head of household in many instances (the first person listed with no death info).

[Town of Wells?]

Dewitt C. Dunham
Lucina Dunham, 2, NY, Sep., whooping cough, 8 days

Wm Fish
Hannah M. Fish, 9, NY, Mar, pertrid sore throat, 9 days

Richard Peck
Levinia Peck, 63, Jul, Paralysis, 6 weeks

Bradly B. Fonntson?
Phebe, 3 mos, Mar, unknown, 3 mos

Clement Carr
Chloe A. Carr, 32, May, seamstress, erysipelas, 11 days

Town of Morehouse

Francis F. Becraft, 64, Jun, farmer, lung fever, 5 days

town of Arietta

Amos G. Dunning
Philo Dunning, 11 mos, Nov, dropsy on brain, 10 days

Ezekiel P. Dunning
Julia, 24, Mar, consumption, 1 year

town of Lake Pleasant

Mary V. Call, 1, May, scalded, 12 hours

Henry Burton
Sila Burton, 78, Feb, consumption, 10 years

Marinus W. Lawrence
Phebe S., 2, May, scarlet fever, 8 weeks

Selah Saterlee, 78, Nov, consumption, 2 years

town of Hope

John Seaver
Frank L. Seaver, 10 mos, Jun, measles, 10 days

John Hurley
John Hurley, jr., 4, NY, Mar, whooping cough, 5 days
Catherine Hurley, 1, Aug, Diarhrea, 4 days

Esther A. Kring, 1, Apr, by fire, accidentally burned, 6 days

Town of Indian Lake

Bej'n Persons
James Persons, 7 mos, Dec, unknown, 4 days

Bradford Hutchings, 41, Feb, shoe maker, consumption, 1 year

town of Long Lake

Willard Alden
Wesley Alden, 3, Feb, measles, 3 days

Esa Ann Judson, 19, Mar, child birth, 4 days
Wm C. Judson, 10 days, Mar, child birth

Town of Benson

Wm Orcutt, 83, May, farmer, old age, 9 days

Peter D. Sweet, 20, Jan, laborer, throat deasease, 9 days

Charles H Manger, 1, Mar, brain fever, 3 days

Chas N. Smith, 3, Aug, inflammation on brain, 4 days

Mary E. Anibal, 34, Nov, consumption, 7 years

Jacob Brownell, 31, farmer, kicked by a horse, 5 days


Last Updated: Sunday, 27-Sep-2009 19:01:58 PDT
Copyright © 2000:  Lisa K. Slaski