1840 Census of Pensioners

The listing of Revolutionary War pensioners surviving in Hamilton County in 1840 was prepared by Herkimer / Montgomery, Asst. County Coordinator Judy Breedlove from the copy at the Clayton Library, Center for Genealogical Research, Houston TX. At this library the film is located upstairs in File Cabinet #1, Drawer #1, Roll #3. It is the second item on the 1790 census roll. As the spellings are occasionally inconsistent, and others are the best that could be discerned from the faded original on microfilm, it's suggested that you personally review a copy of the film. Many thanks to Bonnie Briggs, ALHN (American Local History Network) Coordinator of Shiawassee County, MI, for tipping us off to it!

TITLE: 1840 Census of Pensioners, New York, Northern District: Hamilton County

Name of Pensioner for
Revolutionary or Military Services
age Name of heads of families with whom 
pensioners resided June 1, 1840
Olive Wooster 89 J. P. Groff Hope
Ezekiel Sloan 76 Ezekiel Sloan Hope
Joseph Courier 80 Joseph Courier Hope
Tryphenia Crain 79 Tryphenia Crain Hope
Charles Turner 77 Charles Turner Wells
Ebenezer Dunham 81 Ebenezer Dunham Wells


Last Updated: Wednesday, 14-May-2008 13:27:22 PDT
Copyright © 2000:  Judy Breedlove